Who to go to for comfort?

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All of the ninja have something that makes then cry. They have each other for comfort.

~He thinks about whether or not he did enough for Nya as children. Or Nya/Lloyd gets hurt and he blames himself. This will make him agitated and he'll snap at everyone throughout the day.
~Nya notices and takes them to a room alone. Nya talks to Kai softly and asks him what's wrong. Kai then breaks down into tears and Nya soothes him.
~Kai snaps at everyone when he's upset, except for Lloyd. Lloyd notices and waits till everyone is busy. He then quietly asks Kai what's wrong over and over and he finally opens up crying. Lloyd comforts him as he knows what it's like to worry about family.
~He thinks about the pain he put his family through after he sacrificed himself against the overlord. He wonders if it was worth him coming back. Additionally, during the Hands of time event, he thought he had lost Pixal forever. Zane's data would start getting messed up and he would give the ninja incorrect answers by accident.
~Nya is pretty smart, she can tell when Zane isn't giving the right answers. She pulls him aside and asks if he is ok. He answers "affirmative". She then tells him it's ok to not be ok. He then cries into her shoulder and tells her what's wrong.
~Cole likes to lean on the ninja's shoulders a lot. He can feel Zane's gears whirring a lot faster when he is upset. Cole looks Zane straight in the eye with a concerned look on his face. Then they excuse themselves and Zane just starts to cry silently. Cole gives the best hugs and tells him everything is alright.
~From time to time he would have small panic attacks and would slightly electrocute himself. He started to have slightly larger ones after Skybound but instead of struggling to breathe, lights would just randomly turn off. Most of the ninja could never trace it back to him though as his acting skills were on point.
~Cole could see Jay fidgeting during his small panic attacks and would put a light but secure hand on his shoulder. Then he would smile down at him. This immediately calms Jay down. During his bigger panic attacks, Cole could tell that Jay was the cause of lights randomly switching off. Whilst everyone tried to figure it out he would signal to Nya that they need to leave the room with Jay. It would take a while to calm Jay down but both Nya and Cole were used to it now.
~All Nya had to do was hold Jay's hand during a mini panic attack and he would calm down without even looking at her. During a larger one, a hug from Nya and Cole at the same time helped him immensely
~After saving Nya from the fire temple (pilot episodes), Cole would stay in his room a lot more, missing his mum. He did the same thing after turning into a ghost.
~Jay would really miss Cole when he shut himself in his room. One time he opened the door without knocking and saw Cole sitting on his bed sobbing. Without a word, he gave Cole the biggest hug he could muster and they talked for about 2hrs. They do it often now. When a ghost, Jay would do everything in his power to make Cole laugh. Cole appreciated this a lot because it made him feel normal.
~Zane would go into Cole's room, sit in silence and wait for Cole to calm down. He would then tell him to take his time and patiently listen. Zane knew what it felt like to lose family and what it was like to be different. Him listening to Cole made Cole feel a lot better.
~Lloyd had a lot of things to be upset about. Him being abandoned, betrayed a few times, losing his childhood, his dad dying. Twice. The list could go on. He would try to keep his emotions in check but sometimes they would just overwhelm him. He would lock himself in his room for an entire day and refuse to come out. When Lloyd got like this the ninja knew it was best to leave him be. It didn't sound like he was crying, so maybe he just needed some time alone.
~Lloyd was locked in his room one time and the other ninja were scattered around the bounty. Kai was the closest to Lloyd's room and could hear a small crash. He busted into Lloyd's room to see the room trashed and Lloyd with tears streaming down his sweaty face. Kai carefully walked towards Lloyd and hugged him. Lloyd struggled at first but then started to sob into Kai's gi. Now, whenever Lloyd is down, Kai catches on and just hugs him telling him he hadn't done anything wrong to deserve everything that happened to him.
~Jay goes to Lloyd at night, because he knows that that is the worst time to have a breakdown. Jay would peak into Lloyd's room after a tough day and hear him sobbing so hard that he was struggling to breathe. Jay would rush in and rub his back telling him everything is ok and that everyone is so proud of him.
~She has a very disgusting and brutal nightmare that occurs at least once a month. She would watch Jay and Kai being tortured. Then their throats would be slit and blood would spew out of them. In her sleep, unknowingly, Nya would cause it to rain heavily outside.
~Jay and Kai found out at the same time. They could feel tiny water droplets touching their faces as they slept. They then opened their eyes to see a dome of water surrounding them. Nya was trying to protect them in her sleep. They both rushed out if their rooms at the same time and immediately ran to Nya's room. Nowadays,when she's having a nightmare, they both just sit next to her whilst she sleeps saying comforting things until morning comes.

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