Cringey/embarrassing moments

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The ninja have embarrassing moments within their little family, but sometimes, embarrassing things happen with complete strangers. Those are even worse.
Kai was walking down a relatively empty street one day and thought he saw Lloyd. He shouted his name 3 times and Lloyd didn't turn around. Then Kai started running towards the guy whilst shouting Lloyd's name. Kai realised it wasn't Lloyd when the man turned around to see what madman was shouting. To escape embarrassment, Kai ran pass the guy still shouting Lloyd's name. He looks back at this memory and cringes so hard.
All the ninja were at a small café that had just opened. Zane happens to love muffins, so he got a lemon muffin. Everyone was eating their food or drinking their drinks whilst Zane was just staring at his muffin. Everyone kept asking if he was ok and he responded saying he needed to talk to the cashier. Zane got up and told the cashier they should try and be a little more careful when baking. He said he found glass shards on his muffin. He was trying to be sincere and helpful but the cashier dryly responded saying they were sugar crystals. Zane immediately apologised and walked at the café blushing. The ninja were so baffled.
Jay has done a lot of embarrassing stuff in his life, so he's kind of immune to it. He's that guy that will wave at someone, realise they weren't waving at him and then just laughs it off. However, there is one moment that he finds super embarrassing. He was seven years old and found a picture of his mum holding a baby. Jay got jealous and ripped the picture into tiny pieces. When his mum found out, she told all her friends. Now, when Jay meets his mum's friends they call him jealous Jay, jelly Jay or sometimes just jelly.
Cole was in the park by himself when he heard someone shout "Who wants ice cream!" Cole walked up to the woman with a bunch of other people. As the woman was about to put an ice cream in Cole's hand she asked "Who are you?". Cole hadn't realised that the woman was having an outing with the people she had handed ice cream to. He just stood there sheepishly getting redder and redder till the woman walked away.
This happened whilst Lloyd was still at Darkley's. His teacher was going on about how the world could supposedly end in twenty twelve. The teacher asked for someone to argue against this theory and Lloyd raised his hand. However, Lloyd didn't raise his hand to answer the question, instead he wanted to correct the teacher. Lloyd spent about 5 minutes explaining how no one said the world would end in twenty twelve. He said that this was a misconception and people actually believed the world would end in two thousand and twelve. Strangely enough, no one in the class was laughing, they were all to baffled by his stupidity. His teacher muttered under his breath "Clearly, this one has an IQ equal to room temperature." Lloyd didn't realise how stupid what he said was till he did the same thing with the ninja. They would never let him live it down.
She was by herself in the bounty, it was landed in a desert not too far from Ninjago city and the ninja were on a mission with Wu. Nya hadn't heard them coming back and had instead heard someone in the kitchen. In fact, she heard a number of someones. Only the first spinjitsu master knows why, but Nya's first instinct was to jump out the window with her phone and call the police. The ninja couldn't contain their laughter as the police scolded a bright red Nya for wasting their time.

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