Chapter 26: Things are Getting Worse

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Malia helped Scott pack up his things, while Theo helped Liam on the trig work. Melissa came home from work around dinner time, and she came home with Scott's favorite Mexican take out. Everyone dug in except, Liam who nibbled on individual grains of white rice. Melissa finally convinced him to at least take two bites of a taco. After dinner, Scott told everyone goodbye, and Malia decided to drive with him out to school, and Peter and Derek would pick her up on their way back to Beacon Hills.

"Melissa, when would you like us to move back to my house?" Liam asked the woman.

She looked at his scrawny figure, "Not until you are healthy plus it will be lonely for me for at least a week here. And you guys are a great help with the chores," she smiled at the two boys.

"Thanks," Liam told the motherly figure.

"Thanks, you have no idea how much this means to us," Theo told her. He never thought Melissa would ever forgive him for killing Scott, much less let him stay in her home. Liam, he understood; she treated him like a son. The boy was innocent, but he was not so much.

Liam went upstairs to take a shower, and Theo sat at the desk in their shared room and read while he was in there. He wasn't trying to listen to the boy, but sometimes he couldn't help himself. He always was listening to make sure the boy's heart was still beating; suddenly, he heard his heart rate spike up. Theo continued to listen to see if he needed to rescue the boy. He heard the water still running, which was weird since he heard him get out of the shower moments before. He heard Liam gaging and decided to walk closer to the door. Theo decided to knock to see if the beta was okay.

"Liam are you okay?" he asked his boyfriend. He could hear the boy's breathing speed up like he was panicking. Theo didn't hesitate and broke open the door. The sight scared him. Liam was curled up in a ball around the base of the toilet. He managed to already get dressed; his hand was slightly still covered in blood and vomit. In the toilet, there were the very small contents of the boy's stomach mixed with blood. Liam was breathing rapidly and shaking. Theo knew what had happened but decided not to comment on it until he got him back on his feet. The chimera picked up the small boy and helped him wash his face and hands. He cleaned the vomit off the floor as Liam sat down on the bed. Theo sat down beside him as Liam collapsed on his shoulder.

"Liam, you can't keep doing this. That was blood; that could be life-threatening. I think it stopped which means it was probably just some broke blood capillaries, but next time it could be your esophagus. I love you, and I'm not going to let you die. Melissa and Argent talked the other day; you have a week to start trying more or else you are getting hospitalized."

"And you wouldn't stop them from doing it?"

"No, Liam if it prevents you from dying and being miserable; I wouldn't"

"Some boyfriend you are," Liam yelled at him.

Liam collapsed with his face down on the bed, refusing to talk to Theo.

"This is what I get for being caring," Theo thought to himself. He went back to his laptop and started looking stuff up about eating disorders. The statistics started to scare him more and more, the deaths, the amount of people who don't ever recover, the permeant affects they can have on your body, heart failures, osteoporosis, esophagus tear, then he saw some other signs that Liam had been exhibiting, extremely cold, faint, weak, mood swings, shaking, depression, and anxiety. He looked at Liam on the bed, who had started to cry.

Liam hadn't meant to snap at Theo, but everything just stressed him out at this point. He was scared to get help, but he was also scared that he had no control over himself anymore. He wasn't ignorant he knew right now he could die any second, but he couldn't bring himself up. Theo laid down beside the beta.

"I'm sorry," the boy muttered to the chimera.

"I know you didn't mean it."

Liam gripped his muscular shoulder, "I love you too."

Theo held Liam tighter to his body worried to let go that the boy might freeze to death. They eventually fell asleep together Liam wrapped closely against his chest.

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