Chapter 56: Aftermath

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Liam slowly started to recover with the help of Theo, the rest of the puppy pack, and constant check-ins from the rest of the McCall Pack. After he ate all his meals for a week, he finally got the feeding tube removed from his nose.

"You look so much hotter now without that?" Theo looked at him.

"What I wasn't hot before?" Liam questioned.

Theo tackled him onto the bed before ripping his shirt off, "you are always hot Little Wolf."

Liam and Theo moved back into Liam's house by themselves.

"It's going to be weird not having you around kid," Peter looked at him.

Peter basically treated Liam like a son at this point and was going to miss the boy.

"It's not like I'm dying; I'll still be around," he smiled at the older werewolf.

Peter actually gave the alpha a hug.

"Geez if you gave Liam a hug does that mean I have to give him a kiss?" Derek asked his uncle.

"I don't know who would kill you first, Stiles or Theo," Liam replied.

"Oh, I'm tough, but Stiles's bat," Theo laughed at them.

"Take care of him and you," Derek shook the chimera's hand.

"Oh, you know, we will be around."

Liam went back to school and started playing lacrosse again. He was still severely underweight, but he was at least eating now and was getting stronger each day. Some days were harder than others. Somedays Liam felt so guilty and down on himself; he couldn't eat. Theo still had to stop him from over-exercising sometimes, but he was with the alpha every step of the way. Mason, Corey, Nolan, and Alec were constantly around, being the Puppy Pack in all. Peter, Derek, and Malia would pop in unannounced all the time to check on the two boys. Scott came home from college once a month to check-in, while Melissa, Argent, Stilinski, and Parrish were frequent visitors. Deaton and Melissa checked on Liam's health once a week to make sure he was doing alright. Liam was easily taking his new alpha role well, not like he wasn't already playing the role before. Although Monroe was imprisoned, she had many successors the pack had to fight off as well as a variety of new supernatural threats.

Liam, Mason, and Corey walked into lunch towards Theo, Alec, and Nolan.

"Hey Little Wolf, how'd your test go?"

"Easy, A, thanks to you."

Mason and Corey smiled at each other.

"I'm trying to eat here," Nolan looked at them.

Theo grabbed Liam and kissed him at the table.

"You know we have a thing called, PDA rules," Alec laughed at them.

"And we have a thing called, I can totally punch your face in," Theo looked at him.

"Theo, we talked about this," Liam looked at him.

The boys began to laugh; everything seemed back to normal for at least Beacon Hills.

Liam, Corey, and Nolan went to lacrosse practice after school.

The team was running through plays; Liam was playing perfectly.

"Dunbar, nice job. See guys you guys need to play more like Dunbar over here!" Coach yelled at them.

"But I'm not a werewolf," some kid muttered.

"Poor excuse, mile run."

Corey and Nolan glared at Liam.

"Please, stop being perfect, Dunbar," Corey mocked.

"Ready for the first scrimmage, Dunbar?" Coach asked him after practice.

"I'm always ready for anything, Coach."

"That's the spirit."

After practice, Theo, Malia, Mason, and Alec were waiting for them.

Even though, Theo and Liam didn't live at the Hale house anymore. They still took Malia to work every day and brought her home. They figured it was safer than having her on the road anyways.

"So, there have been reports of two missing people with mysterious disappearances. As well as reports of, a girl with red eyes and sharp fangs. Why don't you say we check it out?" Malia asked him.

Liam looked at the rest of the pack, eyes flashing red, "let's go."

"Are you sure Little Wolf you have a big game tomorrow?" Theo asked him.

"I'm an Alpha first," Liam smiled at his boyfriend.

Theo was staring at him with his beautiful blue eyes.

"Actually, first I am your boyfriend, I love you."

"I love you too Little Wolf."

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