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"Morning Maria!" Charlie waves, walking from the dining hall to the lounge room as I walk down the stairs.

"Morning..." Charlie's gone, but I still say it. I walk into the dining hall and immediately duck.

"Sorry Maria!" Vaggie yells over her shoulder as she takes the tray of food to a table. "Crazy morning!"

"Isn't it always?" I shout back over the chaos of breakfast. She laughs as I enter the kitchen. It's a mess.

"Morning Toots!" Angle calls over the kettles boiling and pans clanking.

"Are you meant to be in here unsupervised?" I ask, eyebrow raised, opening over head cupboards.

"Are you?"

"Yes," I snap. "I'm not the one who keeps lighting fires."

"I'm just too hot for this place to handle~" he strikes a pose and flips pancakes. I lob a stick of butter at his head, but he catches it and chucks it into a pot. "Cheers doll face~"

"Welcome spud," I stick out my tongue and pour cereal into a bowl.

"Didn't Charlie tell you to stop eating alone?" Angle asks, gesturing to the bowl of coco pops I'm pouring milk into.

"What, are you not a person now?" I sigh, shoving a dirty pan into the sink. I put my bowl down and sit at the breakfast bar.

A tall deer demon walks in and Angle runs off. "Morning Al!" I manage through my overfull mouth.

"Good morning Maria," he glances at my almost empty breakfast. "Didn't Vaggie tell you to stop eating that 'sugar covered diabeties'?"

"Is she here?" I look around as if searching for her. I get up and dump my bowl in the sink.

"Touché," Alastor laughs, handing me a purple mug.

"Ah! My hero~" I take a tentative sip of my morning mocha. He laughs and I wave at him as I leave the kitchen.

"Hey, Maria," Husk's drunken voice draws my attention to his bar. "Are you free for a casino night?"

"I guess it depends on the quality of their rum," he laughs, I smile. "Course. Meet here around 7ish?"

"Sounds good, M," he smiles slightly before taking another swig.

"Toodles, Huskie," I wave at him and make my way towards the library. Nifty's dusting a portrait in the hallway when I pass.

"Hello Nifty," I smile at her.

"Oh, hello Maria!" She smiles back. "Off to the library again?

I hold my hands up in surrender. "You got me!"

I get to a beautiful set of double dark oak doors and enter. There are shelves everywhere, floor to ceiling, like something strait out of Beauty and the Beast. Almost everyday I pay this lovely little room a visit. Today, however, I have another agenda. I grab the black beanie and a backpack sitting on a desk and put them on. I left them here yesterday. I head to the back of the library. I pull out a green book with a black spin, and it stops halfway. The bookshelf clicks and swings inward, revealing a garden. I close the door behind me and readjust my backpack.

Innocent's Rules (Alastor/HazbinxOC)Where stories live. Discover now