Chapter Eight [New House, Road Trip // Breakfast]

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-----------------------Emalee's POV----------------------------------------

Ok, so when I said the house was beautiful, I meant freaking gorgeous. It was at least three stories tall, plenty of windows and a huge lawn. Tears were probably in my eyes when I entered the mansion, a large living room that goes to the kitchen/dining room and back yard, there was also a small bathroom by the front doors. I noticed there was a downstairs, but I only had enough energy to go up, where my bedroom is. I  opened the cherry wood door, it didn't squeak at all. The mural of dark clouds and rain on the walls was illuminated by a soft glow coming from a lamp with little moons and stars carved into it. The floors were a dusty grey carpet, so plush under my aching feet. 

"Do you like it?" Chaney stood at the doorway, breaking me from observing the bed. 

"I love it!" I flung myself at her.

"I'm glad, I'm glad," She laughed, hugging me, "You probably want to shower?"

I shook my head, "I will in the morning.. Can you wake me up around six?" I figured that would be enough time.

"Sure, Goodnight dear," She started to walk down the long hallway to her room.

"Love you!" I called before shutting the door. I now looked at the bed. It had a large silver, silk comforter on if, underneath it was a light grey, fuzzy blanket. It was overflowing with a million different sized, ashen blue pillows. I dove in, not bothering to change out of my concert clothes, and slowly passed out.

-------------------Drake's POV--------------------------------------

I was laying in the middle of the bed, alone in the room I was sharing with Bryan. He was outside making calls to get back to Nebraska. All I could think about was Emalee, I was so awkward and I hated it. Maybe when we drive I can loosen up, I really like her. When she had said stuff about her family, I felt bad, she was way too innocent for all that bullshit that happens when you have bad parents. 

"Goodnight, yeah, you too," Bryan came in, ending his phone call. "You able to get home?" He asked, sitting down on the opposite bed. 

"Mhm, Emalee wants to drive me.." I blushed a little, turning off the lamp beside me.

"That's adorable," Bryan laughed, I rolled my eyes, "You should really keep her, she's nice."

"I know," I smiled, staring at the ceiling. Bryan just laughed again, said something about sleeping, then it was silent. 

My eyelids got heavy and I turned over to my side, yawing.

"G'night," I mumbled to no one in particular, soon sleep welcomed me into its dark arms.

-----------------Emalee's POV-------------------------------------

I woke up early, thanks to mom, and stretched while sitting on the side of the bed, my legs dangling over the side. Sighing, I gathered a grey hoodie with a large, polka dotted 8 on the back of it, a plain black V-neck, black acid wash jeans with the knees cut out, and fresh under garments. I figured I could find the bathroom myself, and when I finally did, I gaped in awe. It had a large claw foot bathtub in the middle of pearly tiles and cream colored walls, soft, white towels over stuffed a metal rack, along with about a thousand different types of soaps. I picked out a mint and rose body wash, mint shampoo and rose petal conditioner. While the tub filled, I called Drake.

He answered sleepily on the third ring.

"Mhn, hello?" Drake's lovely voice carried over.

"Hey, it's time to get up," I smiled, hearing him shift around, probably to look at a clock.

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