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'Doctor, it's been two months, just come back' Clara screamed down the phone. The Doctor had left her on Earth with no explanation and it was affecting her everyday life. She didn't eat properly and barely slept. She had called him everyday and was beginning give up hope. This was the first time he had picked up this whole time. 'I can't Clara' he sounded guilty this made her falter slightly but she stuck by her point. 'Why not? Why would you leave me Doctor? No explanation.' He sighed down the phone 'I don't want you to get hurt, Clara. It's not safe with me, I can't protect you all the time.' She heard him choke back a sob, Clara understood how he was feeling but she was still fuming 'You should have told me! I thought I'd done something. I have spent so long believing that you hated me. It hurt Doctor, more than any creature could hurt me.' She didn't want to but she screamed 'YOU'RE THE WORST MONSTER OF THEM ALL!' He was silent for a moment and she took a deep breath 'Don't come back, ever. I can't stand not knowing when I'll see you again.' she managed to say to him before bursting into tears that wracked her body. The Doctor had lost it,he was hurt 'Fine' he yelled back, not thinking about what he was saying 'I'll find someone else. Someone who's not a bossy control freak. Someone better.' he regretted the words the moment they left his mouth. He wanted to speak against them but his voice wasn't working. 'Goodbye Doctor.' Clara whispered through tears, believing she had let go off him. She hung up and stared at the phone for a minute before realising the time. She would be late for work, again.

She slammed the car door shut. She had only just made it in time this morning and had decided to stay late marking books. It was now dark outside and she was ready to go home and watch sad movies in her pyjamas. Clara's hands were still shaking from the argument earlier, she wasn't sure if she was fit to drive. She pondered on this thought and decided to walk for once. It wasn't to far. She picked up her bag and began walking home. The. Last thing she remembered was a loud noise and bright lights before darkness overtook her.

'I'm here to see Clara Oswald' he told the receptionist, breathless. He had came as soon as he heard what had happened. 'Sorry she's not allowed visitors at the moment' she replied kindly. The Doctor sighed heavily and flashed his psychic paper at her. She began apologising profusely and told him her room floor and number before her rushed off again. He broke down as soon as he saw her. She looked so small and frail. He moved over to he pr and took her small hand. She was hooked up to so many machines in and attempt to keep her alive. She had bruises all over her body and a deep cut across her face and stomach. He couldn't help thinking back to those last words they had spoken and regretted it. He couldn't save save her this time. If she died he wouldn't be able to live with himself. I love her.

It had been three weeks and the doctors didn't have much hope in Clara waking up. The Doctor rarely left her side and always kept her hand held tightly in his, the other hand gentler placed on her cheek. He had started to drop off to sleep when she moved slightly. He sat up abruptly and stared at her. He felt her hand squeeze his lightly and she shifted her weight. Clara began mumbling as she sat up slightly. He noticed her wince in pain and eased her back down to her pillow. 'Hey, sleeping beauty' he smiled. She opened her eyes slowly and looked at him. 'Wha' happen' she mumbled uneasily, blinking to adjust to the bright, white of the hospital room. 'It was a drunk driver. They came out of nowhere as you were walking. Not a scratch on them, you on the other hand. You've been out for three weeks. I was so worried.' She inhaled, taking it all in. 'I'm so sorry Clara, I didn't mean what I said. I could never find someone as good as you. I love you, Clara Oswin Oswald.' She smiled softly 'I love you too.' he moved down to her and lightly pressed his lips to hers. As he pulled away, he stroked her cheek with his thumb. 'I will never leave you alone again.'

Yay another chapter. This one made me sad. I wasn't sure whether to kill Clara at first, but the thought of doing that makes me really sad. Remember you can send in requests or ideas to make me update faster 😉 thank you guys so much

Impossible Girl xx

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