8. MakerCum

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     Heaven Janae
     1:09 pm

"Ight yea I hear you A'Stari" I mumbled listening to her rant about me leaving without telling her and she was worried blah blah blah, all the shit she was saying was going in one ear and out the other.

"You don't hear me es" she said with a attitude causing me to scrunch my face up and pick up my phone.

"Look I'm a grown ass women if I wanna leave town I can I didn't know I needed your fucking permission" I snapped hanging up on her before sighing looking at the house in front of me I watched as tori was walking past the windows seems to be but ass naked, I swear since these two broke up all they have been doing is fucking other women.

I grabbed my gun from the console making sure it was fully loaded before tucking it in my waistband I grabbed my phone and keys putting them in my pocket making my way on tori porch, I rung her doorbell standing there waiting for her to show her self, after a minute she opened the door causing me to peck her lips scrunching my face up at the taste of her mouth, I push past her as she stood there in shocked as I walked into the house I looked at the floor seeing boxers and pants on the floor I smirked and shook my head.

"Who pussy u been eating" I asked gripping on the gun as she stared at me biting her lip I just smiled and licked my lips I was finna murder this bitch and here she is being all seductive. Whoever pussy she been eating tasted good but she was mine, i mean ours and that's a promise that we made forever.

"Why you asking that" she said nervously peaking around me as I seen a stud walking into my view out the corner of my eye, tori looked at me with fear as she seen me pull the gun out my pants pointing to the moving figure behind me as I stared tori in her eyes.

"She sexy tori, you didn't wanna share her" I asked her as she let out a shaky breath walking close to me till our chest was pushed up together, she grabbed my face pulling me into a deep passionate kiss as she moaned into my mouth making me pussy instantly throb I quickly forgot why I was even mad, I hate that they had this affect on me.

"Hold on what the fuck is going on here" The random bitch said finally coming into my view she was tall and fine asf.

"Your pussy taste good, we should have our own private session" I said licking my lips as she look down blushing showing her deep dimples which set her chocolate skin off even more.

"Chill tf out es and Ag this is my wife heaven" tori said pushing me back and faced this ag girl who face went from flustered to hurt and confused I almost felt bad for the lanky bitch.

"Wife? really tori you could've told me you was fucking married" she rented looking at tori with so much hurt in her eyes I just shook my head and walked into the kitchen making me a sandwich while tori found a way to manipulate the dumb bitch.

"We not really married but we been together for going on 4 years" I heard her explaining to the sexy chocolate bitch that I really think I wanna taste of before I go back home, shit been kinda crazy lately for me my job been ok and mrs.fraizer was doing ok I still find her to be the most attractive 45 year old women I ever met.

"You really have two fucking girlfriends and I been over here fucking you like you belong to me" the girl said with anger in her voice I mean I understood why she was mad tori always been selfish that's just her she would care about your feelings but still do some foul shit to hurt them, while I tuned out the rest of there sip ass conversation I pulled out my phone texting kato to see when he coming back from Georgia.

Text Messages

To Bruva🧛🏾‍♂️: Pussy🖕🏾
Bruva🧛🏾‍♂️: Fuck you want goofy?
To Bruva🧛🏾‍♂️: I miss you big daddy 🥺
Bruva🧛🏾‍♂️: Foh.
To Bruva🧛🏾‍♂️ Wya?
Bruva🧛🏾‍♂️: Otw back to da d. Fuck you at? Stari looking for you.
To Bruva🧛🏾‍♂️: Visting Matoria
Bruva🧛🏾‍♂️: Damn you just had to go without me, tell my lil sis I said wassup.
To Bruva🧛🏾‍♂️: Nigga we can come back down here soon.

I sent the last test to kato putting my phone down as I seen the two love birds walk into the kitchen tori came and hugged my waist smiling into my neck causing me to smirk kissing her forehead, it's time where I really missed her and stari those two mfs where my hearts and can't nobody take that shit from me.

"Ok so now y'all can formally be introduced, Ag this ecstasy, es this ag" tori said as ag nodded at me causing me to return the gesture I looked at tori bringing her into a kiss, while rubbing and gripping her ass I watched out the corner of my eye as Ag looked at us before paying attention to her phone the stupid bitch might not be so bad after all.

"Kato said hey and he coming to visit soon" I said kissing her face as she smiled she was so damn adorable I could tell she miss me as much as I missed her I wish she never left that day we would still be happy together, all of us.

"Aww I miss my big brother I really hope he do come visit" she said cheesing she was doing so much better than before she wasn't the same dark spirited person she was before, she was maturing as I was happy for her not the same ole angry person she was back then I guess this new city changed her.

"Ag I can't wait for you to meet him, I'm glad u got to meet my wife" she said as she sat on the barstool directly in front of me as she leaned back on me while i rubbed her thighs.

"Where is yall other wife" the stupid bitch as I felt tori body tense up that's a subject that was real sensitive to her you could tell but I rubbed her back to relax her.

"I left her back there, I was stupid and dumb she loved me like no other never gave up on me and I couldn't do right for shit I kept fucking up on her and she still never gave up and I hated her for it, how could she let me hurt her and still love me with everything in her? They both did I love how persistent es is she wouldn't let me leave her alone even if I wanted to but I wanted to get better for them and I couldn't do it there at that place so I moved, I ran left her standing on her porch crying she told me if I left to never came back so I didn't ever go back" she explained with so much emotion as I felt every damn word she said I knew she wanted to change but she had to do it on her own, stari knew too she was just to damn selfish and stubborn to let go when she needed too, we couldn't put all the blame on tori cause stari played her part too she didn't try to understand tori cause she didn't want too.

Soon as ag was about to say something the door bell went off causing tori to look at me before getting off the stool going to open the door when she opened the door she froze it was like she had seen a ghost and shook my head at this damn girl not knowing when to leave shit alone, I walked to tori pulling her to me as she let out silent sobs staring stari in her eyes as she stared back the first time they seen each other in over a year, I moved tori out the way letting stari come in as she looked around seeing ag comfort tori as she mad a sad expression I just shook my head in annoyance.

"Fuck you doing here stari" I asked as she looked at me as she walking to me now we were face to face.

"Don't ever in your mf life hang on me when I was concerned about your mf ass" she told me pushing my chest as I looked at her she was sexy when she was upset.

"Why you come here" I asked as she looked at the floor before looking up at me.

"To get you and to see her" she said glancing toward tori who was avoiding all eye contact with stari as she intensely watch her from across the room.

Well ain't this a nice fucking reunion.





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