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Quick a/n to start

Helllooooo, how is everyone in the lovely vamps fandom? I hope you're all well. I hope you enjoy this book too, i've spent quite a while thinking of doing this and now is the time i think to finally write it. Due to quarantine and having to teach myself GCSEs, i won't be updating much but hopefully when this terror is all over i can start weekly ones. At the moment it just depends how fast I get my overdue work done.

I promise I won't do these a lot, tbf when I'm reading I just skip them oops, these are just details I feel need to be said.

This book contains strong language, and touchy subjects. If anything triggering is brought up i'll put a barrier with "t/w" beside it in a different font, and another when that section is over and it's safe to carry on.  I will also mention in an authors note at the start so if you would prefer to skip the chapter, that's okay. I'll mention main details in an authors note. I'm not adding them to romanticise the situations, just to spread awareness that these things happen to everyone, not by what your wearing, your gender ect.  Proceed with caution if these may be a touchy subject for you.

Also, this obviously is a fan fiction! I haven't kept all the details about everyone the same. Some characters are mean, however they are jems in real life. This is purposely for the story line, not my views of them. The main character, Lavender (shortened to Lav), can be read as Y/N if preferred, however the book describes stuff e.g her hair colour, however i'm sure with your great minds, if you read Lav as Y/N you can surely replace details about her with your own. If you struggle to imagine, the girl I'm using for gifs of Lav is Madison Beer (as I find her so so gorgeous) so check her out for when my descriptions are rubbish (:

Make sure to get a cuppa before starting, because everything is better with a cup of tea (: well in my opinion. Enjoy!

- sunflow3rvol6


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A sigh escaped my lips as I sat down by my "mother"

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A sigh escaped my lips as I sat down by my "mother". I don't usually call her mother, only to her face, but it feels appropriate for my mood to be sarcastic in the slightest. I just wanted someone to hug, tell me everything's alright, be that true mother figure.

My real mum died when I was younger, but i'm forced to call my step mum my mother as it's "polite" according to my dad.

I've always been close to my dad, he's the only person I can release my thoughts too, seeing as he's the only one who's not a fake figure, in my eyes. Don't get me wrong, I was happy for him when he found "mother" but something was never the same with her. She always smelt differently when she came home, no longer of Chanel perfume.

And I don't mean that as I go around sniffing people, I mean the deodorant oder is strong. It upsets me that my dad could be so blind, but he thinks it's just because she has a lift home from her colleague, which I find bladdy bullshi-

"You okay, darling?" She was looking at me surprised. I rarely sit by her and when I do, it's because my dads offered me a tenner to be "nice".

Being a bitch comes with its perks.

"Yes, thank you for asking, how are you and your new man since my dad obviously isn't good enough for you? Spill the tea girl" I joked, earning a smack on my arm from my brother to behave.

My brother is on the school footy team, the jock of the family. Personally, I prefer golf but he shouts at me everytime I say golf is better. Dad owns a golf course, so he always agrees. But "mother" being the snob she is, sides with Alex.

"There is nobody but Carl in my life darling, you're so delusional, maybe you should get it checked out." She snarks back.

Don't get me wrong, i'm all for women supporting women, but Laura/"mother" drives me up the wall, quite literally. She can't drive at all, once she drove into a lamppost and said it was in her way. It was on the pavement but "go off" as you say. However I have to give it to the woman, she's pretty. Sucks that she knows it, it gets to her head, especially when it comes to the law.

"Oh, so that's why you smell of an expensive men's deodorant, that dad doesn't own when you come home, after leaving drenched in Chanel. I can't wait until that bottle runs-"

"Lav! Your ride to school is here" My dad smiles at Laura, stopping me from saying her Chanel perfume will run out since last time I said it, she cried and I was forced to buy her a new bottle with my money I was saving up for golf.

Since dad owns a golf company, our family are in rivalry with the Simpsons, and no not the ones of the show. I used to be close with Anne-Marie and Dereks youngest, Bradley, but ever since my dads golfing tournaments took off, they made up rumours about me to Bradley saying how we can't continue to be friends. It broke both our hearts, however they still force me to ride with him every morning to school, since they want to save the planet.

I sighed, yet again, and pulled myself up just to be greeted with confrontation about the rumours, what were nowhere near accurate. Seriously, what eight year old would poison who she thought was her childhood sweetheart? Yes that's right, I used to have a crush on Mr. Bradley Simpson. Oh, How I wish I had the taste in men I have now back then too.

I picked up my handbag, what somehow the she-devil persuaded me to use, just to save money for my dad and his company. I kissed my dads cheek goodbye and got in the car preparing to be teased for my life decisions.

"Good morning, Lavender."


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