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In the book, Brad and Lavender have history, what you will learn over time from them talking about it/how Lav has the tendency to describe things to you (the reader). Obviously, I'm sure you're all Vamps fans meaning you will of heard the song Personal ft Maggie Lindemann. The little bracelet is featured in the book, as I really love that part of the music video. I just named it the description basically, "a beautiful blue rock bracelet". This isn't what the actual bracelet is called, if I knew I would write that. Please don't go on amazon maybe and search that as I'm sure it isn't called that. If you want it, screenshot when it shows it in the video and search by image. Thank you, and enjoy.

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"Good morning, Lavender."


I pushed my mouth into a tight smile, not wanting to converse with Bradley, and grasped onto my seatbelt as he drove.

"How about we make this less painful, darling?" Did I mention that Brads cocky and he absolutely loves to think i'm head over heels with him? He reached over and grabbed my thigh, making me tense. I don't know about you, but I ain't about getting cooties.

"Bradley, I'm not into you. Get over your silly high school crush." I rolled my eyes, teasing him. Teasing B-Shizzle (my old nickname for him) is one pf the highlights of my day, as much as I hate riding to school with him, his cheekiness does make me smile.

"That isn't what you were saying last night, lovely." He banters back.

"What? In your pruned little dreams? You like what you can't have, way too much for your own good, Bradley." Memories of when we were little flooded back to me, as he showed a smirk. Brad always used to steal my hair bobbles, his mum, Anne, always has loved his hair long. He always hated it though, complaining it wafted in his eyes too much when his dad, Derek, taught him golf. However, little Lavender would always scream and kick until he gave them back, or did my Barbie's hair with what he took.

He stayed quite, a smile still playing on his lips, making me nervous.

Not butterflies, though.

Never ever will I, Lavender Quinn, get butterflies, over Bradley Simpson.

I twiddled my bracelet around my wrist. It was like my safety blanket. Its a shame Bradley got it me, however I still don't take it off. It was my 11th birthday present of him, a beautiful blue rock bracelet he got from holiday in Barbados. He still loves that island, judging by his tan anyway. I reminisce every year on what he would get me for my birthday now, although nothing could beat this.

"You still have that old thing?" He smiled over at me, the cheek and anger suddenly leaving the atmosphere. He knew I played with it when I was nervous, time hasn't changed me much. I admire how much he remembers about me, judging by how his parents brain washed him on why he had to no longer be my friend. It was some bullshit about keeping your friends close, but your enemines closer. Don't get me wrong, I did and do love my dad and golf, but I would never hurt my best friend.

"Yeah, I wear it all the time still," I smiled shyly and got out at school, "See you later, Simpson."

"Talk later, Quinn." He smiled and ran over to his mates, doing their bro shakes or whatever they call it.

Boys will be boys.

Bradley was in a band, however I'm convinced its a secret cult. His 'band' consisted of James, himself - of course, Tristan and the new kid, Connor. All the boys are lovely, James also carshares with his girlfriend to school, or more should I say saliva shares.. Tristan copies off me in maths, although I'm awful, but he's lovely despite being a tree and seeing over peoples shoulders to get the answer if I don't have it. Connor on the other hand, he is quiet but he makes puns, they're lame but people still laugh since he's friends with Bradley. Did I mention they're the popular boys?

I sighed and walked to my locker, being met by Kirstie who is somehow in the popular clique as well as my friend.

"Hey, Kirst" I smile at her, I'm nice to everyone but Bradley and Laura. They deserve more then they get, but if I want to win this game, I have to be nice too. I don't have such a problem with Bradley, he taught me my pride and joy, golf. However, he also broke my heart. And Laura/"mother"? I'm sure you can tell why from her attitude, stuck up bit-

"Morning, Lav. How was your car share with Simpson?" She smiled back and sipped her coffee drowning in James' saliva. They're a cute couple, but I'm the jealous type. Kirst always says she'll hook me up with someone, but there's only one game I want in on, and I refuse to tell her.

I gave her the "what do you think?" face and replied, "hell" completely lying to myself and her. My chats with Bradley are nice, however he needs to learn I don't want in his pants, because I know there's not much there.

She laughed and smiled noticing the cult come over. "Babe!" She ran to James and jumped into his jock arms. I just rolled my eyes and looked away awkwardly, feeling Brad's eyes peeling into my skin.

Brad's parents had eyes EVERYWHERE, they were like millionaires around here. During the car share, he was nice, however at school he had to act like he hated my guts because of their words.

They used to be lovely, but as soon as my dad got successful, it all changed.

Tristan put an arm over my shoulders, "Brunette?".

I looked up at him confused. He only called me by my hair colour when he wanted something. He bent down and whispered, "sit with us at lunch. Kirst is coming, we just need you now for the plan."


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