Chapter 10: Change

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Fuck my head...

“Krer esssk...” What, who’s there? Advena? “Scessst srars? Kresaek?” Jake held a hand to his head. He opened his eyes wide and tried to get his eyes to focus. They didn’t. Maybe because he didn’t have eyes! He rubbed his now dome-like head and yanked his hands away, now holding them in front of his face. Black, with claws, spiny and bony.

Advena!” he cried, finally using his common sense and talking mentally rather than verbally. Instantly, the door opened and Advena was right by his side.

Jake! It’s okay! I’ll explain everything...” And she did. She told him how he almost died, and how Alistair had come up with the idea to get him a new body. Jake tried to roll over so he could get up on his strong side, but was obstructed from doing so by his ridiculous spines on his back.

So uncomfortable!” he complained. He tried getting to his feet, but he tripped and collapsed onto the floor. Advena jumped over the bed to get to him. She helped him get to his feet, which were a bit shaky, but they held. Once Jake had gotten the hang of standing, he tried taking a step. Slowly, he started to get used to his new body. He felt an itch on his tail bone. He accidentally moved this itch to smack Advena in the face.

Watch it!” she protested, slapping his rogue tail away from her. Jake realised that the ‘itch’ was actually just a limb he had now that he didn’t have before. He spent a few minutes trying to learn to use it. “You’re doing really well,” Advena commented.

Probably because I spent so much time in your body,” Jake suggested.

And now you get to keep it forever...” Advena tried to sound enthusiastic, but was unsure of how Jake felt about this change as of then. Jake smiled at her and nuzzled her like she always did. Advena leapt on him, bringing them both to the ground, but Jake was an Xenomorph now. He grabbed her shoulders and flipped them both around so he was on top. Advena stared at him. “Wow you’re strong now! I need to get used to that...” Jake chuckled and hopped off her. He offered her a hand up, which she gratefully accepted. Advena studied him. “You’re a Drone,” she observed. “I wouldn’t have thought it like Weyland to use such ordinary forms as their new soldiers. Then again, if they were all planning on going Praetorian, it doesn’t really matter what they started out as.” Jake nodded in agreement, then suddenly panicked.

Weyland?” he screeched.

No! Not like that! We used one of their pre-set bodies in the cloning machine. Don’t worry, they’re all dead now,” Advena assured him. Jake let out a sigh of relief. “Now come on, your friends and family are worried sick about you. On top of dying, you were in a coma for about a week,” she informed him, leading him out of the room and eventually out of the house. Ostea had been waiting in the next room, so joined them just as they left. She kissed Jake’s cheek, but did nothing else but follow them to Jeica’s house. Ostea knocked on the door. There was a shuffling sound and a teenage boy with midnight black skin, short black hair, neon green eyes and a long, spiny tail opened it.

“Mom!” he yelled. He then moved back into the house without another word. Jeica appeared  with Mozart close behind her.

“Oh, hi guys,” she smiled weakly.

Was that your baby?” Jake asked.

“Yeah, not that Nathan’s a baby anymore.”

Mmm,” Jake agreed. He turned to Advena. “I thought you said I was out for a week, not ten years!” Advena shrugged.

Xenomorphs mature faster than humans. He is fifty percent Xenomorph.” Jeica gasped.

“Jake?” she asked. Jake turned back to her.


“My god! It really is you!” she cried, pulling him into a tight hug. Instinctively, Mozart snorted in jealousy. Jake shook hands with him clumsily, still not completely coordinated with his new body. “Please, come in,” Jeica urged. Advena, Ostea and Jake followed her and Mozart inside.

Jake shook violently, flicking a few drops of tea everywhere. Garry, Jeica, Mozart, Alistair, Kuala, Advena and Ostea all laughed at him.

Everything tastes so different now...” he grumbled. “This is way too sweet. How much sugar is in this thing?

“One teaspoon,” Jeica giggled.


Now you see why I have my coffee black all the time,” Advena chuckled, curling her tail around his waist. Jake’s stomach growled.

Well, it was great to see you all again, but changing bodies has made me very hungry... I think I might go down to the bakery,” Jake excused himself, slowly rising from the couch.

I wouldn’t advise it,” Kuala butted in, a devious grin on her face.

“What she means to say is; you might want to go to the butcher’s. Oh and, don’t worry about raw meat anymore,” Alistair elaborated.

Yes, the rawer the better,” Mozart agreed. Ostea and Advena hopped up with him and the three of them walked down the road to the butcher. After a satisfying meal of raw steak, they lazed out on the grass in the sun. Ostea laid herself out so she was pressing up against Jake’s left side, and Advena did the same on his right. Jake sighed.

We still need to talk about this,” he told them. Advena laid her head on his shoulder.

Talk about what?” she inquired. Ostea mimicked the action. It surprised him that neither of them were having a go at each other. He’d obviously thought this too loud, because they both appeared to hear him.

Oh, that?” Ostea giggled. Advena smiled too, then turned a bit more serious.

Ostea and I... we’ve become a lot closer in the time that we thought we lost you. It was our fault that you died. Us and our petty argument. So we made an agreement, all we need is your approval.” Jake nodded, telling her to continue. “Well, among Xenomorphs, some of the higher ranked Xenomorphs are too potent to be left with just one mate... so sometimes they take two. Jake, here you are the highest ranked Xenomorph ever. You started this whole sanctuary; you started peace between us and humans. In fact, one might say you were the king of the hive.” Ostea nodded vigorously.

The point being, if you would have me, we could both be your mate?” They both looked at him hopefully. Jake realised that this was the truth, Advena actually did care about Ostea and vice versa. This could work... Jake smiled.

How could I say no?” he answered truthfully. They both squealed in delight and hugged him, crushing him from both sides. He chuckled and gently pushed them away so he could breathe.

Let’s go home!” Ostea cried, bouncing around in delight.

Someone’s ecstatic. Have you got something planned when we get there?” Ostea nodded and bounded down the path to their home.

She’s only mated once,” Advena explained.

Once? Who with?” Jake asked in confusion. Advena blushed and looked away.

N-no one.” Jake peered at her, making her follow Ostea’s lead and race towards their house. “Come on, let’s get back before she tears up the house in anticipation.” Jake shook his head in bemusement and trotted along after her.

A/N Dedicated to SirButt for the idea of turning Jake into an Xenomorph. I am now taking requests because I honestly don't have any more ideas for this. Comment what you want to happen, or if you just want me to end it. Also, hands up who would like to see a threesome between Jake, Advena and Ostea. CrazyBirdMan59 out.

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