Part 2 First Encounter of Farhan&Asya(edited)

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Every one enters your life for a reason and there is no day which is worst, one day will be blessing while the other will teach you lessons.

Keep praying Allah will give you more than you expect INSHAAllah.

I checked the time, it was already 1:10 pm. "Ya Allah I will be late for zhur prayers" I spoke to myself, a really weird habit of mine which hasn't gone at the age of 24.

I checked the 22 exam papers of class. Only one student's paper left to mark, a math paper, the way these children do their sums just confuses me! Not all of the kids though, some are so bright while some are average and some require assistance.

Yeah as you've noticed, I am teacher Alhamdulillah.

And all the while I was busy marking, I felt someone's eyes on me, as if someone was watching my every move, but why?

"Where's this boy named Azhar?" A voice startled me and I flinched back
"Ya Allah" I whispered.

"Can't you greet, or even ask politely?" I asked the man without looking at him. Must be some old grumpy man or a wealthy driver without manners. What's wrong with him?

"I just need to take the boy," he said flatly. When I looked up my eyes widened, he wore an expensive attire, dressed smartly with a jacket on top that too in this heat! I looked again, his face was roundly shaped, brown mysterious eyes were staring back at me without any emotion, golden hair, eye brows perfectly raised and a beardless chin. A nose perfectly shaped in it's position and lips curved into a scowl. He had dark circles beneath his large eyes, didn't he get enough sleep?

"We don't give permission to the new drivers or parents to take children," I told him since many weren't trusted and there were so many cases already.

He just glared.

Lower your gaze Asya remember what your family taught you? You always followed their teachings, what happened now? Astagfirullah.

"Stop staring," his voice made me realise what I was doing and I immediately looked away, avoiding this intimidating man.

"I wasn't even staring at you," I lied but when I glanced towards the other side my assistant was oggling at him shamelessly as if he was a piece of meat or some yummy chicken wings.

"You are not even 5 percent handsome," I whispered to myself and I hoped he heard what I said, way to ruin his ego!

'Why was everyone staring at this driver? Maybe because he worked at some wealthy people's house' I thought to myself and just then my eyes landed on my cute student.

"If you don't know me then your problem, none of my business," he said harshly.

"Time to go home Azhar," I told him while ruffling his hair, I always did that and he complained about me spoiling his hairstyle.

The boy hugged the man but I didn't even bother to glance his way again, rude driver!

"Here's your chauffeur little one" I said and Azhar's eyes widened but then he just laughed and I stood there with confusion.

"Thank you miss Asya," he replied but the arrogant man didn't even say a thank you, and now he even knew my name, without even asking. I guess some people get everything without asking.

"Let's go Azhar," the man said with a smile, when he glanced around everyone looked away as if they feared him. Who was he?

"See you around" the man's deep mysterious voice startled me and I stared at his retreating back he didn't even wait for my answer.

"You look beautiful' I heard him saying. When I glanced up he looked at my assistant.

"I didn't mean you Miss Asya," he answered my confused expression and I just glared at him, while he normally talked to Azhar as if they were alone in the room. Such a big flirt he is!

Damn him I hope I never see him again ever!
We continued marking the exam papers.

"Let's pray Zhur Rabya, it's already the 14th day of Ramadhan, time is flying! We even have to pray Qur'an and submit the marked papers today" I told my assistant and she nodded with a smile. We both loved our job Alhamdulillah.

"You seriously didn't know who the guy was?" She asked me curiously and I denied. I never bothered to go on social media or concern myself with politics or any other news. My parents always told me to follow and at least get to know what's going on in the country but I preferred reading, cooking and praying.

"Just some arrogant driver" I told her and her eyes widened.

"Don't even mention his name I don't want to know anything about him," I warned her and she just shrugged her shoulders with a smirk, what was wrong with her now?

"Let's pray Namaz," I told her and we rushed to do ablution since it was almost home time for the kids who we were with in class. While the others were outside with other members of staff.

If you can have time to scroll your phone during work hours then you can even have time to pray it just take few minutes, prayers and hard work will lead you to success.

"Assalamualeikum everyone," I greeted once I reached home and everyone was sitted in a sitting room waiting for taalim may be?we usually do before breaking fast.

"Waleikumsalam," they replied to me in unison but there was something fishy because of their silence and the way they stared at each other.

I joined them waiting for them to break the silence.

"We have to tell you something important dear," Dad started the topic and mom gestured me to sit next to them , oh no!what's trouble this time?
I stared at grandmom with my innocent pleading eyes but she just shook her head and smiled. She also was with them today?

What's happening?now am curious
I hope this doesn't change anything for me, I hope it's not about what am thinking .

What do you think they are planning?

Part2 has been shifted to dreame although I will complete story here but I will have to delete some chapters also, please enjoy book in dreame and support me, I will be updating daily InshaaAllah

All you have to do is go to Google and search my books of web novel and dreame to read. Enjoy reading.All chapters are for free in dreame

Thank you for supporting me.🥰🥰

Note:All chapters are for free so no need of coins or waiting for them🥰

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