John Ambrose- Jealously

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Part two of True Love

My mouth twitched as I watched the girl and John laugh. I twirl my keys around my fingers to keep me distracted but all I want to do is dig the keys into the girl and- "Hey Stell... woah you look mad" I looked over at Peter. I roll my eyes "Gee how'd you figure that out Sherlock.."

"Your face is making that look when your pissed...and I saw you looking at Liv like your about to kill her" he fills me in. I roll my eyes "You...." I groan as I facepalm. "That question was rhetorical idiot". Peter chuckles as he nudges me "Typical Stella"

I glared at him and returned my attention to Liv and John. Only to jump back when John was right in front of me. John frowns at my action and pulls me by my waist. He leans down to kiss me and I wrap my arms around his neck. Peter awkwardly coughed and John glared at him "You have your own girlfriend Kavinsky"

I frown as I watch Peter leave with a nod "Okay....". I turn to John who frowns at me. "What?" I glared as I let my arms fall. John only stayed quiet as he left when the bell rang

"He just kissed you and left?" Lara asked as we watched tv. "Basically... You know doesn't have the right to be mad. He was laughing and talking with Liv" I made a face when I said her name. "He knows I don't like her!" Lara Jean made a face "You don't even know her. You didn't even know who she was until she spoke with John"

"Well now he knows that I don't like her!" I threw some popcorn at her. Lara threw some at me back and we both laughed. I played with the bracelet John gave me. "Should I apologize..." I ask not looking at her. "If you feel you need to" Lara grabbed my hand.

I wave Lara off as she dropped me off and I began to walk towards Johns door. Before I could knock it opened to reveal John and Liv. John looked at me with unfazed look. "Oh Hi Stella! John has told me so many-" I didn't let her finish because I shoved her out of the door and John into the house.

Liv got the que to leave as the door slammed in her face. "What was SHE doing here?" I hissed. "What? Peter was boring you?" My mouth hung open "Peter? Ew what? Ew! That's Lara Jeans boyfriend... I may be a cold bitch but I'm not cold enough to steal a girls boyfriend unlike Liv!" I shoved him. John rubbed his face

"She needed help with math." I shook my head and pointed at him "bullshit. You were laughing earlier today!" This time John pointed the finger "You were getting close with Peter!" I squinted "It's Peter! He doesn't know what personal space was and he was asking me why I was mad." Shit.

John rosed an eyebrow "you were mad?" I stayed quiet. "Wait... you were jealous!" He smirked. "No!" I rolled my eyes. I traced my teeth with my tongue as I looked at the ceiling. "Okay Fine I was! But so were you!" John rolled his eyes as he neared me "Duh... Peters Peter... he always gets the girl."

I shook my head "You're you. This time you got the girl." I wrap my arms around his neck and lay a light kiss on his lips. "I'm sorry if I was acting like a bitch.." I mumble against them. He only smirks "It's're my bitch." He gives a light tap on my ass. I roll my eyes.

"I'm sorry if I made you feel like I would cheat... I would never Stella. I love way to much..." He kisses me. "And I love you John"


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