Hendrik-I promise

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( I am so sorry it took so long I wanted to get it as perfect as you wanted. hope you enjoy <3 ) @polli2123

"I can't do this right Hendrik" I threw the sword down in anger. I ran my fingers through my hair before plopping down on the ground. "You just have to focus and you'll have it memorized my love" my husband, Hendrik, came over and pulled me up.

I removed my hands gently away from him and looked down at our fingers. "How could you ever be with a women like me....I can't even hold a sword right" I shake my head as I hid my face in my hands.

Hendrik grabbed my wrists "Dont you ever say that. I love you more than anything in this world. I don't care if you don't know how to use a sword. I'm here...I'll teach you. I'll teach you even if we're old and can't move a mussel without injuring ourselves".

I lightly chuckle at the thought of us old and wrinkly using swords. "Promise you'll be patient with me" I whisper looking up at him. He leans forward to rest his head on mine. "I promise til the day I die" he leaves a kiss on my nose after that.

He turns around and grabs the sword from where I threw it. "Are you ready?" He turns back and hands me the sword softy. I let out a frustrated sigh and nodded. Hendrik only gave me a small chuckle as he positioned himself behind me.

"Dominate hand first, second hand on top" he directs my hands to hold it. I nodded as I gripped the sword and looked forward. "Dominate leg back,put all your weight into it. Other foot in front. Keep equal balance on both" he kicked my legs softy in the position.

I nodded and still looked forehead. Hendrik came around in front of me and looked at me up and down. "Never take your eyes off the enemy. Always think one step ahead" he pulls out his sword. "If they go right, you go left. Vice versa. If they skim you with their sword. Make them bleed" he grunts the last words.

"I going to go easy on you my love but we need a word so I know to stop.". I bit my lip and looked at the ground. To my left I saw a patch of daisies and on my right a river. "River Daisy" I looked back at him. Hendrik gave a small smile

"River Daisy it is. Are you ready to fight my dove?" He asks positioning himself as he brings his sword in front of me. I nervously looked at my position and took a deep breath


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 06, 2020 ⏰

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