Chapter 1

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Carissa P.O.V

"No way are you winning this one, Annabeth." I smirked at my friend, walking up to her, sword in hand, on the training field.

"I always win, you should know that by now, Carissa."

"Yeah, I just saw you take down those guys." I giggled, gesturing to the limping boys walking away.

"Don't get me wrong, you're almost as good as me." She reassured me and I rolled my eyes.

Suddenly our swords clanged together, making the sound of metal bashing together loud. I continuously blocked all of her attempts at swiping at me, she then went for my legs but I was fast with my reflexes and jumped.

"Close." I muttered under my breath.

Clang. Clang. We kept fighting for several minutes and I was doing good until someone caught my eye at the edge of the field and I stopped dead in my tracks. I knew this was a bad idea as soon as I did it because I winced in pain when Annabeth's sword slices straight to my arm.

"Annabeth!" I screeched, clutching at my now blood dripping arm.

"Oh my gosh, I'm sorry! I thought you would have blocked it." She rushed to my aid.

"No, no, it's okay, I got distracted." I turned to the direction of the original distraction itself and saw Grover with a boy I had never seen before at camp, and I've seen most people. He had Dark hair and, from what I could see, bright blue eyes. Quite something, I must say. There isn't many guys who can make me even admit that to myself.

"Em, do you mind if I go get this cleaned up?" I pointed to my bloody arm.

"No, go ahead. Do you want me to come?" She looked concerned.

"No it's okay, I'm a big girl." I teased and giggled. I then headed straight in the direction of Grover, which also happened to be the exit.

"Whoah! What happened to you?" Grover asked me, staring at my blood soaked t-shirt. I now got a better look on this new boy and he definitely does have blue eyes but with flecks of green, like the ocean. They were beautiful. I really need to stop thinking like this. "Not many people can get you that badly."

"Annabeth." I chuckled, stopping to talk to them.

"Do people always get hurt like this, here?" The dark haired boy chimed in, looking very nervous.

"Pretty much." I gave him a smile.

"This is Percy, son of Poseidon." My eyes automatically widened when I heard his fathers name but I tried to control it and not embarrass him.

"Carissa, daughter of Hermes." I shook his hand.

"Cris, you might actually be helping train Percy." Grover informed me.

"Great, I love training newbees." I giggled.

"Thanks." Percy replied sarcastically.

"Um, I've gotta go get my arm sorted out but, uh, I'll see you later, yeah?"



I stepped into the cabin I shared with my brother Luke, glancing down at my, now bandaged, arm every once in a while. We had shared this cabin ever since we arrived here when I was eleven although I still got to have my own room.

I stepped into Luke's little gaming room, which I hated, it was full of TV screens and noisy games that would keep me awake at night if he decided to stay up late.

"Hey Luke." I walked over and placed my hand on his shoulder.

"Hey, Carissa." Luke's eyes didn't shift from the screen.

"I didn't see you at training today." I noted.

"Yeah..uh.. I got busy." He answered me, obviously not interested in anything I had to say.

"You know, it would be kinda nice if you could just pause that stupid game while I'm talking to you." I said a little harshly.

"Oh, sorry." he muttered pausing the game when he saw my sad expression. "What happened?" His eyebrows knitted together in anger when he saw my injury.

"It's nothing, I just got cut while I was training." I clutch at my arm, trying to conceal as much of the damage as possible.

"Who did this to you?" He looked slightly distressed now.

"It's not a big deal, Luke." I muttered, I went to sit on his lap and he wrapped his long arms around me. He'd always been the big muscular one, I was slightly weak but I was still skilled in combat but Luke always seems like the big, tall, strong one. I was fairly tall, skinny and a little muscle on me. I had always wished to be stronger and just as good as my brother.

"I just don't like seeing my little sister getting hurt." he smirked. He knew I hated being called his little sister.

"Oh, shut up Luke there's only a year between us." I playfully punched his arm. "I'm gonna go get changed."

I jumped up off his lap and left the room, closing the door behind me. Entering my room, locking the door, I stripped my self of my bloody t-shirt and replaced it with a black vest top. I pulled on some black leggings and turned to the mirror. Sulking at my reflection, I decided to pull my blonde hair out of its messy ponytail, it fell naturally just on my ribs and had a slight wave to it. My hair was one thing about myself that I loved, it was long, blonde and soft. Once I was done poking and prodding at my face, desperately trying to make myself more presentable, I decided I could finally leave, placing my sword on my belt around my waist.

"I'll see you later, Luke!" I yelled through the cabin as I exited.

I stepped out into the clear, open air and saw that the sun was going down and realised most people would be going to have dinner now. I jogged to the area not wanting to miss anything.

I stepped on to the decking, which held tables crowded by half-bloods eating food.

"Carissa!" I heard someone from a table shout over to me. Turning around, I saw it was Grover, waving me over, and the new boy Percy.

"Hey, Cris, come over here!" I hear another voice yell from the other side of the room and saw it was Annabeth. Oh god, what do I do now? I guess I said I would see Percy later? I whipped my head from side to side looking at each table every second, making me feel dizzy. Finally, I turned to Annabeth and held up a finger telling her I would be a minute. Although that was a lie, I had no intentions of going back to sit with her.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 17, 2014 ⏰

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