Part 2 - The races

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­Part 2 – The races of creatures.

In the lands of Elementria, there are seven known races of sentient beings; human, elves, orcs, dragons, demons, angels (who are thought to be extinct) and elementals.

In the land of humans, there are 30 kingdoms, some with the same army as others, but there are a total of eight different unit types; axmen, pike men, archers, magi, assassins, cavalry, necromancers and swordsmen. There are mixed units, like Joey and Josh, who are the main characters in the elemental series. These troops belong to the kingdoms. There are, however, freelance guilds who belong to no kingdom, but are hired help. The paladin’s institute, the guild of knighthood are just some of the many guilds dotted around the realm.

The elf kingdoms have the same basic troop type as the human kingdoms, but they go under different titles, so they have woods elves, spear elves, phantom archers, magic casters, shadow warriors, mounted warriors, dead raisers and phantom swords elves. There are no freelance guild, but there are tribes dedicated to certain professions, such as the tribe of dark knights.

With the orcs, there are axboyz, pikeboyz, boomboyz, magikboyz, deddlyboyz, horzboyz, deddboyz, and zordboyz. There are no freelance guilds as the orcs are too brutish to unite and form a guild, there have been unsuccessful attempts though, although they end up in war.

There are eight dragon types, each pertaining to a certain element. The earth dragons, which are brown are slow to anger, but have twenty times the might of a calm earth dragon when roused. The wind dragons are swift, agile and well camouflaged, but weak, making them good for covert ops. The fire dragons are strong, but not very strong, but very good in numbers, making them good for bulk armies. The water dragons are wise and cunning, so they always strategize the army’s movement.

The light dragons have a great attack from a distance and are very hard to hurt. The dark dragons have strong melee attacks, but are easy to arm, meaning that they need to be in a massive army in order to be effective. The ice dragons have almost impenetrable armor, but are really slow, making them the “tanks” of the dragon army. And, lastly, the energy dragons have mid-ranged armor, attacks, speed and camouflage, so they are good for attacks that don’t need a specialty.

The last “races” are not really races, but two forces conflicting in a constant war with each other, Chaos and Order. To clarify, Chaos and Order are not good and evil, for a being can be either good or evil, and chaos or order as well.

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