Last ONE SHOT 😊😊

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Noah's POV:
I still couldn't belive it was the last time I would be dancing at the next step, I have created so many memories over the last few years. I have had heartbreaks and love and a real family. I am happy that I get to do the last dance with my best friend. We have had our differences, but she will always have a special place in my heart.
"Are you ready Rich?" - use looked so nervous, I had never seen that side of her and I am happy I did.
"Yeah, of course. When am I not ready?" - she looked terrified, I always knew when she was lying.
"Stop lying and tell me how you really feel."
"I am scared No,what If I ruined your last dance here. You could remember it as a disaster." - how could she think she could ruin this.
"Rich, I don't care how we do, as long as we do it together. I just want this moment with my best friend that's all." - she smiled at me and we hugged each other. It was longer than I taught, but I loved it.
"Come on, let's go. It's our turn to shine." - I took her hand and we both walked to the stage.
When the music started all the memories came back at me, the memories I shared with everyone and then I turned around and saw the person I loved most in this world, the one who has always been there for me and always will be. We danced and it was like it was just the two of us, no one else just me and her.

As the song ended, we let go of each others hands, it felt like it wasn't a goodbye, it was a "I'll see you soon"

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As the song ended, we let go of each others hands, it felt like it wasn't a goodbye, it was a "I'll see you soon". And I am sure as hell we will see each other again. This was the best way to end my time at the next step, but I will never fully leave it. It will always be my home.

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