Chapter 9

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You sat back in the chair opposite Mephisto's desk. He snapped his fingers and his office was tidy again. "Come in!" He chimed happily as he sat in his chair and rested his arms casually on the desk. You admired his ability to look completely cool, calm and collected only moments after fucking you senseless on that desk. You, however, felt very exposed sitting there with no underwear on. You could feel your face reddening.

The door opened and Yukio walked in, "Sir Pheles," He said with a nod, "(Y/N), nice to see you decided to join the cram school after all." He smiled warmly at you.

You laughed softly and greeted Yukio, clutching at the hem of your skirt, painfully aware of the fact your pussy was still wet from the combined juices inside of you. You worried standing would reveal a wet mark on the seat behind you.

"Ah, Mr. Okumura, thank you for indulging me." Mephisto turned to you, "Mr. Okumura has agreed to help train you outside of normal cram school hours so that you can catch up with all of the information you've missed so far. You are not expected to join the normal school as you've already completed that stage of your education elsewhere, but I do expect you to study hard in that time". His formal tone made your heart beat faster. It reminded you of the first time you met him, how naïve you were only a few days prior.

Your mouth dropped open as you processed the information, "You're going to teach me, Yukio?"

He smiled, "Yes, both in school with the other students and in one on one sessions. You will gain a lot more field training than the other students in this time as I'm also a Middle First Class Exorcist medic and dragoon for the True Cross Order".

You nodded dumbly, not really understanding what any of that meant.

Yukio and Mephisto talked more about the type of training you would receive, and you stared at the two of them, not understanding but trying to absorb it all, nonetheless.

A clock chimed 9am, "Goodness! Would you look at the time," Mephisto feigned surprise, "Please head off to your first class, (Y/N)". He subtly smirked at you, knowing you'd be worried about your lack of underwear.

You stood up, bowed your head to Mephisto and Yukio, thanked them for their time and headed off to your first class.

Your hands trembled as you opened the door, the class went quiet as you stepped in, "Hi, I'm (Y/N), I'm a new student here."

"(Y/N)! Come sit with me!" Hana happily called out as you closed the door behind you. You joined her at her table and she immediately introduced you to her friends, Shiemi Moriyama and Rin Okumura, whom you'd previously met. You felt relieved to be in Hana's class.

Moments after you sat down, your teacher entered the room. She greeted the room and introduced herself to you, she taught arias and you took notes enthusiastically. Thankfully you didn't have to answer any questions as you understood very little about the subject, but you enjoyed it immensely. Seeing the students chant the arias from memory was impressive.

The next lesson consisted of physical education, something you had not prepared for.

"Hana, I don't have the clothes for this!" You squeaked, imagining trying to run in a skirt with no underwear on underneath.

Hana raised her hand to get the teacher's attention, "Mr. Tsubaki, (Y/N) is new to the cram school and she doesn't have a sports uniform yet".

"Oh yes, a pleasure to meet you, (Y/N). You may observe the class today, but please get yourself you ready before the next class".

You thanked the teacher and observed the students. You took out your notepad and made notes about the demon that had been summoned to test the students' abilities.

Sir Pheles' Plaything (Mephisto Pheles x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now