Chapter 22

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The room had been turned into a makeshift holding cell, it was cold and upon exhaling, you could see your breath. A section of the room had been taken over by two very large, blue crystals. You walked up to them and cautiously looked closer at the sparkling stones. You jumped back in shock, inside each crystal was one of the Nephilim. They were frozen in a state of fear and pain.

You timidly placed a hand on one of the crystals. You didn't like the Nephilim, in fact, you hated them and everything they'd done to you and all of their other victims, but you didn't want to see them like this. Both looked drained, their clothes were dirty and ripped, and Daisuke's skin had a horrible yellow tint to it. He looked like he was seconds away from death, he was clearly still dealing with Ryūnosuke's venom.

You looked around the room, trying to find something that would help you free them. There was a small wardrobe and table but neither would have been useful when it came to smashing open something that would likely be very solid. You stared at the crystals wondering what you'd even do if you managed to free the Nephilim, would they attack you or would they show gratitude. Would they even be alive?

You knew that Mephisto only needed an hour's sleep and that didn't give you much time to formulate a plan. Upon thinking that, it suddenly dawned on you that you hadn't asked Belial how long Mephisto had been asleep, which shortened your time in the room considerably.

'Yukio! I need to tell Yukio!' You thought as you grabbed your phone out of your pocket. You desperately searched through your contacts and before you could press the call button, you heard the door behind you open a crack, you froze, staring at the door. No one had entered.

"What is it, Belial?" Came Mephisto's voice from behind the door.

Without thinking, you jumped into the wardrobe and tried to calm your panicked breathing. Listening closely to what was being said.

"That doesn't matter right now!" Mephisto thundered, you'd never heard him so angry before.

The door slammed and you heard Mephisto walking towards the crystals. You carefully shuffled in the wardrobe, peeking through a small gap in the doors.

Mephisto stood still, staring at the crystals. His features were undeniably more demonic, his teeth were sharp, and his ears had grown longer. He didn't look like the Mephisto you knew. You could feel his rage.

He clicked his fingers and one of the crystals cracked open, Katashi fell to the floor in a heap and within seconds, Mephisto was holding him up by his hair, a sharp fingernail at his throat. Katashi's feet dangled pitifully below him, he looked like a man with no fight left in him.

You supressed a gasp. Clutching at your mouth.

"I won't ask again, how did you get into the academy?" Mephisto snarled as he pressed the nail firmly into Katashi's pale skin.

The Nephilim laughed softly, "Fuck you." He coughed and pursed his lips, ready to spit at his captor.

Mephisto stopped him immediately, dropping him to the ground. He looked down at the wretched Nephilim and crouched next to him. Resting his elbow on his knee, he toyed with his long, black nails. "It's been a very long time since I got my hands dirty like this," he laughed menacingly, "But not only did you find a way into my academy, but you kidnapped one of my students and tortured her. How does it feel to be on the receiving end of that treatment?"

Katashi looked up weakly, you were surprised to see a large grin form on his tired face, "Oh, so you're the demon that little slut has been fucking! I thought your smell was familiar!"

Mephisto grabbed Katashi by the collar and threw him across the room, he collided against a wall near your hiding spot. Your eyes watered, seeing Mephisto so angry scared you. Deep down you knew that he had a darkness within him, he was a demon after all, but you truly believed he was still a good person. Regardless of the games he played, regardless of his protests about demons not feeling the same things humans do, he clearly cared about the people around him and went to extraordinary lengths to keep them safe.

Katashi failed to move and you feared he'd died from the blow. Mephisto walked up to him and stared down at the mess of a man before him, venom in his eyes. He picked the half demon up and slammed him against the wall, Katashi's head flopped pathetically. He was still awake but barely alive.

"Perhaps I should free your brother from his time crystal, and together we can watch him die slowly. That Nāga's venom has been surprisingly potent against your kind. You really underestimated the young lady that summoned it, didn't you?" His cold, mirthless laugh echoed around the room.

"That bitch got lucky!" The Nephilim coughed. Mephisto angrily gripped his throat and squeezed. Katashi's face turned a violent shade of purple.

You'd had enough, not wanting Mephisto to kill the Nephilim, you bolted out of the wardrobe and ran towards him. "Mephisto!" You yelled before being pinned against the wall. In the blink of an eye, he had dropped the Nephilim and had cornered you. His body had pushed you against the wall. He caged you in with his hands, snarling ferociously. You cried out in fear. Katashi finally passed out from exhaustion.

Mephisto instantly recognised you and his features began to soften, "(Y/N)? What are you doing here?" He panted, looking down at your terrified face.

You stared up at the demon, watching him turn back into the man you recognised, "I came to save you." You replied quietly.

"Save me?" Mephisto asked, removing his hands from the wall, and backing away from you slowly, "I'm not in any danger." He swept a hand behind him vaguely in Katashi's direction.

"Save you from yourself!" You yelled angrily, "I don't want you to play the executioner!"

His green eyes lingered on you.

"I know you did this for me, and I don't want any of it! The Order should have dealt with these two, not you!" You felt your face redden as anger bubbled up inside of you. You walked up to Mephisto and angrily looked up at him, your fists balled up at your sides. You knew you stood no chance against him, and that you probably looked ridiculous yelling at a tall and powerful demon king, but he needed to hear it.

He hesitated, not used to being yelled at, especially not by something as feeble as a human being. A tired smile spread across his handsome face, "You've grown so much!"

You frowned, feeling as though he was mocking you. You closed your eyes and inhaled slowly, "Please don't kill them. Take them to The Order and let them deal with the Nephilim?" You opened your eyes and saw Mephisto looking at you curiously, his head tilted to the side slightly, deep in thought.

He snapped his fingers and Katashi was back in his crystal. Mephisto took out his phone and told someone from The Order to come to his mansion, explaining very little. He vaguely mentioned the Nephilim and hung up.

"This is going to be interesting." He said.

"Thank you." You said, feeling calmer. To Mephisto's surprise, you embraced him in the tightest hug you'd ever given anyone. You felt his body relax in your arms and a happy noise vibrated in his chest.

"I didn't hurt you, did I?" Mephisto asked sincerely.

You shook your head against his chest, "No, you didn't".

Sir Pheles' Plaything (Mephisto Pheles x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now