Chapter 24

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"Mephisto?" You asked as your head rested contentedly on his chest. You were both in his bed, pillows scattered everywhere, and the bedsheets were a mess. Your punishment began in Mephisto's office, but you were soon taken to his bedroom and your mind was blown yet again by the voracious demon. It was the early hours of the morning and your mind started to wander.

Mephisto gently trailed his long nails up and down your forearm. "Hm?" His response vibrated below your ear.

You decided to talk about something that had been playing on your mind ever since you were rescued from the kidnapping, "I want to continue getting stronger so that I don't feel as helpless as I did in that basement. Summoning Ryūnosuke without the paper did feel amazing and empowering, but I don't want to ever be in a position like that again. I couldn't even free my own hands from their crappy restraints!"

He thought about what you said for a while, "What did you have in mind?"

"I want to train to be a knight... I want my own Maken!" You exclaimed.

You barely finished your sentence before Mephisto responded, "No".

You sat up and crossed your legs, looking down at the demon relaxing before you, "What? Why?!" You spluttered.

Shifting his body so that he was lying on his side, Mephisto bent his arm and rested his head on his hand, "Because it's dangerous and you'd need to make a Morinas Contract in order to get your own Maken." His face was stern, "How do you know about Maken, anyway?"

"It was mentioned in the handbook that Yukio gave out before the Nephilim mission." You explained.

"My, my, someone has been studying!" Mephisto praised, "But still, no. Do you even know what a Morinas Contract is?"

You shook your head, "I didn't have time to read the whole chapter, but I will make a contract if it means getting stronger. I have one with Ryūnosuke after all!"

"A Morinas Contract is a deal that is enforced by the demon you made the contract with. If you ever defy the conditions that were laid out at the time of making the contract, you will be killed by that demon. Virtually all of the Morinas Contracts end that way." He explained, his forest green eyes bore into you.

You gulped, "But that means that they don't all end that way, right?"

"Indeed," He said, "There have been cases where the contract has ended without death of the person that signed the contract, but it is still incredibly dangerous".

You pouted as you thought about the risk of the contract, "How is it any more dangerous than being kidnapped by two half demons? They could have killed me..." You stopped talking as you saw an angry glint in his eyes. "I just don't want to be a damsel in distress." You sighed.

"Exorcists rely on one another," he replied, "It's your job to work out how to balance your abilities with the abilities of others." He stood up from the bed and stretched, your eyes roamed his lean body, never tiring of it. "If you take on a third meister, you run the risk of exhausting yourself." He repeated your sigh.

"I can handle it." You said, staring into his eyes.

He snapped his fingers and was suddenly wearing his usual attire, making his way towards the door he waved a hand back towards you, "Very well. I'll arrange a meeting with your trainer after today's cram school classes".

You jumped out of his bed and before he left the room, you wrapped your arms around his body, snuggling your face into his back, "Thank you!"

Mephisto placed a hand on your arm and you felt his body soften to your touch, "I think it's time you went to your first class." He said with a smile. Again, he clicked his fingers and you were dressed in your uniform.

Using his key, Mephisto opened the door to his office and you lingered in the doorway between the two rooms, "That never fails to amaze me!"

You left his office and walked happily towards your first class of the day; Demon Pharmaceuticals. You consciously paid close attention to the teacher, ignoring the looks Hana was giving you. She wanted you to talk about what had happened and you didn't want to discuss anything within range of prying ears.

A few classes later, you walked into the cafeteria to buy lunch and Hana sidled up to you, "So, what happened to you after the party?" She asked tentatively.

You looked around and whispered, "Not here." You paid for your food and took your tray outside; Hana followed your lead. You sat down under a tree and placed your tray on your lap while Hana opened her bag and took out her bento box.

"Can't this wait until we get home?" You refused to hide the exhaustion in your voice, Hana's curious eyes and the lack of sleep were starting to get to you.

Hana crossed her arms and furrowed her brows; her mouth was full of rice and you couldn't help but laugh. She looked like an unhappy hamster.

"Fine." You said as you looked around to make sure the two of you were alone. You proceeded to tell her what Yukio had revealed to you about the Nephilim and what had happened after you left the party. You tried to downplay how angry Mephisto was and how badly he'd hurt the Nephilim, but Hana knew you well enough to see right through it.

"Damn." She replied, "I've never heard of the director going to such extreme lengths, he usually sends us on the missions or higher ranking exorcists if they're needed. He must really care about you!" She had a serious look on her face, it was clear to you that she wasn't teasing you.

You hummed a response, thinking it over, "I honestly can't imagine him ever admitting to that." You finished your meal and looked at your phone, you had enough time to relax before making your way back in. You shifted your bodyweight and lay down, resting your head on Hana's lap.

Hana stroked your hair and stared off into the sky, eyebrows meeting together while she was deep in thought.

"What's up?" You asked, noticing a change in her.

"Oh, nothing." She shook her head as she cleared her mind, "I was just thinking that I'm glad Sir Pheles is on our side. Honestly, he sounds scary".

You laughed awkwardly, "Yeah, he can be!"

"Are you happy with him?" Hana asked, looking down at you.

You nodded your head, "I am, he makes me feel alive." You bit your lip and continued, "I don't know why, but I'm always drawn to him. Even when I'm angry or upset, something makes me go back to him. I can't really explain it, though".

Hana nodded her head, "Well, as long as you're happy, then I'm happy. I think the fact he was so quick to defend you is a good sign. A scary one, but a good one, nonetheless".

You chuckled.

"So, you plan to take on a third meister?" She asked.

"Yeah, I think it's something that would benefit me in the long run. I know that exorcists work as a team, but I felt so helpless in that basement and I don't want to scare everyone like that ever again! I know I was the one who took Izumo's place, but deep down I know it was the right thing to do, I think I just overestimated what I could do".

"I understand." She said quietly.

The bell for the next class rang and you and Hana strolled back towards the school together, ready to get them over with. Normally, you enjoyed the cram school, but you were eager to meet your new instructor and it felt like the classes were just getting in the way.

Sir Pheles' Plaything (Mephisto Pheles x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now