Chapter 2: Missing

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--In The Town--

Many rescuers gathered around the alleyway.
"Freeze! Put your hands up where we can see them!" One of them said.
Shade turned around immediately after the Espeon took him. "What do you want?!" He shouted.
"You're under arrest!" Another said angrily.
"What for?" Shade asked, confused and annoyed.
"For drugging that Jolteon! Where is he, hand him over!" The first one ordered.
"I don't have him," Shade informed them.
"What do you mean, "I don't have him"?!" They shouted.
"I mean what I say. You can look for yourselves." Shade murmured.
Shade moved to the edge to let them look through the alleyway. To their surprise, nothing was there excet the tranquillizer.
"You will be taken to be questioned. Do you understand?" A third rescuer asked.
"Yes.." Shade sighed.
"Good. Are there any pokemon who know the Jolteon? And if there are, do you know where they live so we can inform them on the kidnapping?" The third rescuer asked.
"Yes, and yes." Shade replied.
"Lead us to them without hesitation or you will immediately be punished," They said impatiently.
"Alright, just don't send me to jail. I'm a champion!" Shade barked.
"If you get sent to jail then you get sent to jail. Just 'cause you're champion doesn't mean you get a get out of jail free card." The rescuer said.
"Ugh..." Shade moaned.
They began to walk away from the crime scene (some staying behind to see if there were clues) to find the Pokemon who were close to Speed. About 10 minutes later, they arrived at the treehouse.
"Here's one of the places," Shade said quietly.
"Good. I'll go tell them," The first rescuer said.
The rescuer went to knock on the door, whilst the others held Shade in place.
Knock, knock, knock.
He banged on the door.
The door was opened by an Espeon, Pearl.
"Hello! Do you need anyth--" She began before seeing Shade. "Shade? Where's Speed?"
"I'm sorry, miss.." The rescuer said.
"Why's that Marshtomp here and what does he want?" Black butted in.
"Shhh.. He's going to tell us something and it's important!" Pearl told Black in an annoyed tone.
"Ok," Black muttered.

"So, what's going on?" Pearl asked.
"Well, was your friend who went out with this Absol a Jolteon?" The Marshtomp asked.
"Yes, why?" Pearl responded.
"His name is Speed, have some respect.." Black said.
"Right, Speed. Well, he's missing." The Marshtomp continued.
"What?! Why?!" Pearl gasped.
"Lord Arceus, why?! I knew I shouldn't have trusted that stupid Absol! I vowed to protect the ones I loved too... I'm alone.. Again.." Black cried angrily.
"He was kidnapped with this Absol's help. Someone saw him in the alleyway with Speed and a syringe. They got suspicious and told Plasma, he sent us to the alleyway to check on things," The Marshtomp explained.
"Do you have a clue on his whereabouts?" Pearl asked calmly.
"Sorry, miss, but no," He replied sadly. "However, we do know that an Espeon took him," The Marshtomp said.
"I will kill whoever took him with my own paws!" Black shouted.
"Sir, please don't get rowdy!" The Marshtomp exclaimed.

Silvia, Lazuli, Kris, Leaf, Flare, Sunshine and Axel came down the stairs.
"What's going on..?" Lazuli asked.
"Um, excuse me sir but could you come inside and explain it once more.. To everybody..?" Pearl asked politely.
"Of course," The Marshtomp agreed.
"The rest of you, feel free to come inside too," Pearl told the other rescuers.
"Thank you!~" One sang. They all came in, still restraining Shade.
"Explanation?" Kris said.
"What's your name first?" Silvia asked before he started.

"My name is Marcus. I'm part of the rescue team called Team Waterbomb, and it's a pleasure meeting you. Anyways, back to the topic. To put it bluntly, your friend Speed the Jolteon is missing," Marcus told them.
"What?!" They all exclaimed.
"Want a deeper explanation?" Marcus asked.
"Obviously!" Kris said, crying.
"Alright. From the knowledge we have aqquired from this Absol, he and your friend went shopping, and he brought your friend into an alleyway. He injected your friend with Propofol via syringe. Then, an Espeon who we don't know much about teleported away with him. We don't know about Speed's wherabouts, but many teams are trying to locate him," The Marshtomp explained with a hint of sorrow in his voice.
"C-Can we try to find him too..?" Lazuli asked, crying.
"I don't care if it's not allowed. I will find him!" Black barked.
"W-Will Big Bro be ok..?" Flare questioned.
(Kris: Hey Sky is Speed ok?
SkyOrBP964: Plot
Kris: You're so mean.. I'm go cry now my twin bro might be dead because of your story >:'c)
"W-What will we do?!" Kris cried.
"I'm looking for him. Who's with me?!" Black shouted.
"Me!" Silvia said, eager to find Speed.
"I'm in," Lazuli said.
"Sorry, but I'm staying home to look after Sunshine and Axel.." Leaf sighed.
"In fact, another idea: Flare, Kris, Leaf, Pearl, Sunshine and Axel: You guys stay home, I think it's better that way. Lazuli, Silvia, help me find Speed," Black declared.
"No, I'm coming with you!" Pearl said.
"Same!" Kris agreed.
"I want to find Big Bro.." Flare whimpered.
"Kris, please stay home.. I don't mind if Pearl comes," Black sighed.
"F-Fine.. Promise you'll come back with him soon though..." Kris moaned.
"You can all look if you go back eah night. Besides, it's safer and more beneficial that way," Marcus suggested.
"Good idea!" Kris said, cheering up a tiny bit.
"Then it's decided. We'll all look and come back at night, and take some breaks," Pearl decided or them.
"Sounds good," Lazuli nodded.
"I wanna search for him more.." Silvia sighed.
"I won't be stopping for breaks." Black said.
"You will. Besides, Speed would want that!" Pearl debated.
"Fine..." Black muttered.

"I think you all should rest for the day. Also, please tell anyone else who you think it would matter to,"  Marcus ordered.
"Of course," Pearl accepted.
"Good. We'll be on our way now, and I'm sorry for the issue.. We will get this stupid Absol into court." He said angrily.
"Make sure he gets arrested.." Black murmured.
"I hope he will," Marcus agreed.
"What will we do now..?" Leaf asked.
"Find him," Silvia said.

--End of Chapter 2--


Dear Readers,

Hi again! You all thought it was going to be about Speed, didn't you? Well, surprise mother snubbuls! This chapter's about them being told! Sorry if it wasn't very realistic, I'm not sure how a crime scene works really.. I guess it could be done differently in the pokemon world? And the reason why I didn't do research is 1) TOO LAZY. 2) My search history is already messed up as it is, I don't need the FBI coming to my house yet. That's all I have to say for this chapter, and I'm working on a lot of stuff at one time so sorry if some things take longer to update than others! See you next time!! Bye!

--From SkyOrBP964

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