DAY TWO: our summer

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Jihoon wakes up the next morning half an hour earlier than his alarm with his face smushed against Seungcheol's chest. He pulls away, looking for fresh air, only to have to move his friend's arm from where it had fallen over him.

Sitting up slowly, Jihoon sees that the sun hasn't risen, meaning that it really is too early to wake up. But he doesn't feel like going back to sleep, so he finds a way to slip out of bed without aggravating Seungcheol.

Three of his roommates must be incredibly heavy sleepers, so it's Wonwoo who shifts, reaching for his glasses beside his bed with a restrained groan.

Jihoon only hopes that he doesn't pay him any attention and continues to look for an outfit to wear.

"What are you doing?" comes Wonwoo's gentle whisper, intentional in leaving out a name because his eyes are too unfocused to tell who is up.

"Seungcheol's a hot sleeper," Jihoon lies, just to have an excuse. Seungcheol is actually pretty great to sleep next to, as long as you don't mind waking up mid-cuddle.

With a quiet Oh, Wonwoo understands. Jihoon says it's fine, he's up anyway. "Go back to bed, Wonwoo"

But Wonwoo refuses to do what he's told and yawns. "What time is it?" he whispers.


This prompts Jihoon to fiddle for his phone seeing as Wonwoo would have little luck in checking without glasses.


Wonwoo groans softly and rolls over, deciding it's a little too early. He watches Jihoon leave the bedroom, already drifting off again.

To wake himself up, Jihoon takes a cold shower and gets ready for the day. He slips on a pale yellow t-shirt with little plants on the breast pocket and a pair of shorts. Drying his hair with a towel, he tries to rearrange it neatly, parting it.

Twenty minutes after Jihoon first woke up, Wonwoo walks into the bathroom to find him mid teeth-brush.

The rapper brings his hand under his glasses to rub at his eyes, yawning like a kitten woken up from its nap. His nose does that scrunching thing again. Jihoon chuckles around his toothbrush. He can kind of understand the blush in Seungcheol's cheeks.

When Seungcheol said "That's gay," like he was some kind of immature straight guy, it was ironic. Seungcheol is quite possibly the gayest person Jihoon knows and it's embarrassing.

On the way back to the cabin last night, he explained that he met Wonwoo on the bus and finds him to be not only a great friend but also— and he quotes— "so adorable I could scream!" It solidified the obvious face that Seungcheol had a baby crush on Wonwoo.

And now that everyone in the cabin knows that everyone else is at least a little gay, Seungcheol actually has a chance— and Wonwoo has no idea. Jihoon has found him to be oblivious to Seungcheol's advances.

"It's still ten minutes before six," Jihoon is sure to point out, words obscured by his dumb toothbrush.

"I know," Wonwoo replies quickly. "But they're so loud, and it'd be nice to get ready in peace." He moves towards the sink on the end, the cleanest out everyone else's. Wonwoo only has one bag of toiletries, packed carefully to make use of each pocket.

Junhui's sink next to his is scattered with all kinds of makeup bottles and skincare products added with his soap and toothbrush. Wonwoo has the same things, but less of them and all in one place.

As Wonwoo begins taking out things to clean his face, Jihoon furrows his eyebrows. "Aren't you going to take a shower?"

He shakes his head, "Took one last night after you and Seungcheol passed out."

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