DAY FOUR: movie shoot

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Day has yet to break, but that doesn't stop Jihoon from stepping into the cool morning air with his journal tucked under his arm, hair spiked from the extremely hasty shower he begged wouldn't wake his roommates.

With little light guiding him, Jihoon stumbles down the gravel path away from the cabin with the fear that a counselor will catch him wandering alone in the dark. By doing this, he's breaking like... three rules. If Joshua sees him, he'll be disappointed. But even as Jihoon walks further away from the cabins, he comes to regret this less and less.

Generally, Jihoon considers himself to be a solitary person. Being in the constant company of one person or another for the past three days has worn out his social battery, leaving him in dire need of some quiet time alone

The camp's loosely enforced buddy system doesn't help considering how Seungcheol and Seokmin are strict rule followers. Even Junhui would rather comply, and when Jihoon asked where his nerve went he said that Jihoon hadn't met his counselor yet.

Even if Junhui's counselor is terrifying, he would still rather risk getting caught than spend another day without any peace and quiet.

He's on his own as he steps onto the parking lot asphalt. He wars between visiting the river dock or the pavilion and decides on the trail he knows best.

What he doesn't expect is to find someone lingering at the edge of the dirt path to the pavilion, hunched over in concentration as if glaring at the camp map will somehow force a lit path to appear in front of him.

What he does expect is for it to be Mingyu. His tall frame is unmistakable in the light of a creeping sunrise, even if it's hard to tell with his baseball cap and a pair of black glasses resting on the bridge of his nose.

The first thing Jihoon says when he finally stands in front of him is, "I didn't know you wore glasses." The taller looks down at him in mild surprise at his curt greeting.

"I didn't know you woke up so early," Mingyu counters with a chuckle. His voice is thick with sleep. It's cute.

"Only to get away from people like you."

Jihoon can see that his little quip stings, but he can't help it because he's always like this. If Mingyu really wants them to. get along, he won't mind it so much.

At the same time, Jihoon understands that Mingyu's distaste is rightfully felt considering how he has acted towards him.

"It's a little early to put in my contacts," the taller explains without being asked. Jihoon wouldn't have guessed it. He didn't know he wore contacts or had glasses at all.

Jihoon's own eyesight has never been fantastic, either. He hasn't bothered with lenses since middle school since it doesn't bother him, but he still holds his menus far from his eyes like an old man.

The singer asks what brings Mingyu out so early, trying to avoid looking up at him and instead letting his gaze linger on the trail.

"Soonyoung was snoring in my ear, so I thought I'd come see the sunrise by the lake. But, uh, I can't figure out where to go."

Jihoon tsks, embarrassed on Mingyu's behalf that he can't read a map properly. It's not surprising since Mingyu always seems a little lost on his own, but it's also funny.

Instead of being a jerk and leaving him to figure it out himself (without being an angel and offering advice), Jihoon just motions with his notebook for Mingyu to follow him before setting off on the trail.

A moment passes before Mingyu jogs to catch up to him, folding the map and trying to shove it into the pocket of his cargo shorts.

Not even halfway there, he breaks the silence with, "Where are we going?"

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