DAY SIX: simple

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With the way Jihoon slams his tray down the next morning at breakfast, you would think that he was angry because of the note that fell on his face.

The truth is the exact opposite, but he refuses to be externally excited about the fact that both of his crushes are simultaneously paying attention to him, even if it's just by offering him some much needed tutoring on how to handle a solo stage.

Soonyoung and Mingyu sit across from him in the dining hall, both of their gazes wide with anticipation. The pink haired singer clutches the note in his hands, and when he notices the expectant boys, he waves it in front of their faces.

"I don't know who you think I am," he says, feeling a little smug when Soonyoung's permanent smile falters. Jihoon admits he likes keeping them on the edge of their seats, so far from what they want but so very, very close. All it takes is Jihoon's word, and they'll be his. "But you sure know what I need."

"Is that a yes?" Mingyu immediately cries in disbelief. "Will you do it, really?"

"Calm down, Gyu," Soonyoung mutters quietly. There's no hiding the equal excitement sparkling in his eyes, but he tries to restrain himself, though Jihoon can tell it's an effort.

"I know it was probably Junhui who told you about the fact that I don't know what I'm doing when I go on stage, and I'm not going to worry about it because it's obvious anyway. You guys are... really good at what you do. Frankly, I'm a little envious. So, if you're willing to give a few pointers, that would be... great. Yeah."

The singer wrings his hands together, looking between the dancer and the rapper. He can't really understand their enthusiasm, but he'll take whatever he can get. Supposedly, if he works with them, he'll improve and he'll rock that solo stage he's been thinking about doing for the end of the summer.

"He said yes, oh my God," Mingyu giggles, clenching his hands in excitement. It's an endearing sight, one Jihoon wishes he could carry with him because he's so cute.

The blond beside him is no better. Now, having an answer, Soonyoung is practically vibrating in his seat. "Can I hug you?" he asks, and Jihoon wishes he had heard kiss instead.


And Soonyoung leaps from his seat, plopping down next to the singer to envelop him in a bone-crushing hug that leads to him awkwardly squishing his cheek into the juncture between his neck and shoulder.

"Thank you for letting us help, 'Hoonie," the blond breathes.

"Yeah! I'm really excited; you're gonna be great," Mingyu adds, his chin resting on his palm, expression utterly infatuated.

Jihoon thinks he's dreaming. Jihoon hopes he's dreaming. They really love him, don't they? This isn't some false act of friendship, they're never going to push him away. Nothing is stopping Jihoon from being close to them (or anyone, for that matter) now.

(In fact, he's starting to think that the only thing holding him back was himself.)

"You think so?" Jihoon pries Soonyoung off of him gently. The blond immediately pinches his cheek.

"Of course we do, babe." Fuck, Soon, don't call me that, Jihoon groans internally, sick of being under attack from sweet nicknames. "You've got so much potential!"

It feels good to hear, and not just because it's Soonyoung who is saying it.. His friends never fail to shower him in sincere compliments every time he sings for them, and his choir teacher told him the same thing. You've got a real gift here, Jihoon. It's the reason he still works to improve his singing— not just because he likes it, but because he knows he can do better.

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