Chapter 12: Visiting the sect

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It was early in the morning and the sun was high up in the sky, the weather was a bit cold but bearable. The door was open and Li Ena got out, he was wearing the white sect uniform and looked a bit more handsome than usual. This was one of the effects he discovered from cultivation, which made him happy. Today he decided to take a break and go explore the sect.

He walked out of the Heavens down valley and followed the map to the central part of the sect it was the intersection between the varies peaks of the sect. With every step he took he got more and more amazed, the sect was huge and full disciples bustling around, the roads were made of polished rocks, the trees were cut in beautiful forms, the buildings were huge and the architecture was equisetic and detailed, There was towers, pavilions and huge palaces and the were all made of a special type of rock which doesn't accumulate dust and keeps the air fresh as for the peak master's halls they were made of expensive jade and were full of carvings for different mythical monsters and beasts like the phoenixes and dragons, it was really a fascinating site. Even though the sect was full of building it still wasn't able to cover the natural effect of trees and grass and the beautiful scenery, actually the sect encourages the gardening and punishes those who destroy the natural scene. After all martial arts practicing needs a calm and serene mind and such state can achieved by meditating in the nature and enjoying the scene.

Along the way Li Ena heard all kind of whispers, talks and rumors like how the blood demon sect kept on pushing the sect and putting a reward for every disciple they kill, now whenever disciples get out to do missions they have to be more cautious or they will meet their end. He also heard that Du Ze turned out to be a genius, he showed exceptional talent and perception which made one of the peak elders recruit him and now he is enjoying a good amount of recourses.

Li Ena also heard that the annual juniors competition has ended and the winner was surprisingly Ati, it turned out he was a genius of some sort, they said he was able to practice the sect master cultivation technique the 'The Cool Berserk art' to high level, it was said that this art gives you an explosive boost of power something like a berserk mode and the best part of the technique is that you won't lose your rationality in the berserk mood, which made it one of the best techniques in the sect. In the competition Ati rose to fame like a rocket he used a combination of so many advanced techniques and beat lots of known people.

Li Ena was surprised to hear this just four months ago the difference between them wasn't that much but now it seems he was left behind. Such thing made him feel dejected and angry, he was doing his best but even so he was still left behind, was his talent really that bad, he asked himself.

Li Ena kept strolling in the sect then went to the sect's library, Liang Yu knew that he loved books so he told him about the position of the library saying that it thousands of books about a variety of categories from geography, history to scientific and physical discoveries, this enticed him so he decided to give it a visit.

The library was an old looking pavilion, it was big and tall which showed how majestic it used to be in the past but now the walls were full of cracks the wooden doors and windows were broken and the garden outside the doors was deserted, the plants and grass were yellow and dry, the trees were dead and there seems to be a pond but it's water was black and it smelled like shit.

'It seems like this place is maltreated and ignored by everyone, that's better less people to annoy me but I hope that the books are still fine or this trip would've been a waste' murmured Li Ena to himself.

Entering from the front door Li Ena saw an old women in the reception desk reading an old looking book with withered yellow colored pages, seemed very concentrated in what she was reading. Her hair was snow white and tall reaching her waist, it was in a good condition even after the passage of time, her face was full of wrinkles, her eyes were blue, her nose was short and her mouth was small. She was wearing a long green traditional robe with long and wide sleeves. Even though she appeared to be in her seventies, her old and withered appearance can't hide how much beautiful she used to be when she was young.

Li Ena didn't know whether to ask her for permission to go in or just enter without annoying her, he always tried not to annoy women while they are doing something, this was his father's advice, his father always said that women are terrifying creatures that most not be provoked.

In his absent minded state half an hour passed while he was standing in front of the disk without moving. Finally the elderly woman seemed to notice something and put her book down and looking at Li Ena. She said with heavy voice" Pretty patient for a young man, if you want to read in the library you will need contribution points or to pay with some silver. From your attire and I age I can assume that you are a new disciple so I'm pretty sure you don't have any contribution points right ? ".

"Ah... so you need that to use the library, I didn't know, well how much silver I need to pay to get access to the library anyway" Li Ena scratched his head as he said in a somewhat embarrassed tone.

"An hour is one contribution points. However it's much more expensive in silver, you will need to pay twenty silver by hour, how is it can you afford it young man ?" she mused for a moment as she replied with a curious tone.

"So expensive, with all the money I have I can barely use the library for four hours" said Li Ena dejectedly.

" How about this, please me and I might allow you in for free" said the old lady teasingly.

Li Ena's face turned red from embarrassment, he really didn't know how to please women specially old ones. A moment later his face brightened as he remembered another advice of his father ' always flatter women, they always like to called beautiful even when they are older, look at your mother for example my relationship with her is still very good because I'm always flattering her' as these words were going through his mind he said with a cool tone " Miss you are very beautiful and pretty like a bright moon in the middle of the night, even the shining stars can't help but pale in comparison to the it, even the time no matter what it tried to do wasn't able to wash your beauty, you are like a fragrant flower blooming in the middle of the spring...." Li Ena kept describing her beauty like poet trying to hook a girl, thank to the hundreds of books he read he knew lots of good expressions and flowery words.

"Ok, stop you little brat, you are making me feel like I was brought back to my twenties, that's a sharp tone you got there, hhhh if you use it on a little girl you might even get the favor of beauty" said the old lady as slight smile rose on her small wrinkled mouth.

' At least those poetry books were useful for once I think hhhh' thought Li Ena to himself.

"I like you boy, my name is Qing Lin the elder responsible for the library, you can call me fairy Lin, because you made these old bones of mine feel young again I'll allow you to get in for free this time. As for the next times I'll give you some tasks to do in order to get is that clear young man"

"Thank you elder Lin" said Li Ena as he bowed respectfully.

"I prefer that you call me fairy Lin, put your identification jade on the desk before you go inside" said elder Lin as her brows furrowed of annoyance because she was called elder Lin instead of fairy Lin.

Li Ena's mouth twisted but he didn't comment he put his identification jade on the table and went in.

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⏰ Last updated: May 18, 2020 ⏰

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