Your pov still

I walked out of the outhouse porta potty thing when I was done and bumped into someone.

"Oh shit, sorry!" I continued walking and heard someone say my name. I froze. I know who that is. I started to call Syd. I could tell he just kept following me. I stopped and turned to face him.

"Look dude, leave me alone, okay?" It was someone from school, he was friends with Brad. After Syd accidentally killed him she ran away and that guy helping us erased everyone's memories of it and destroyed her diary and cleaned up the mess.

He didn't remember, no. But he did have a crush on me and I've told him nicely many times to leave me alone..

"I really like you."

"Yeah well, I don't like you, you're annoying and I'm happily in a relationship-"

"With that bitch Sydney-"

"What the fuck did you just say about her?!" I growled and shoved him punching him in the face. He just smirked and grabbed my wrist.

I can't use my powers people will see. It's not something that can be used and hidden like Syd's.

I used my other hand and punched him dropping my phone and he let go and I felt someone start to put a cloth over my mouth. Bitch is this chloroform?!

I tried not to breath it in.

"HEY BITCH BACK THE FUCK AWAY FROM HER!" I heard Syd yell. I quickly moved my head back and then head butt him knocking him out.

"Bitch" I growled at him and ran towards Syd. She quickly pulled me behind her and I saw the boy from school who liked me, too much. His name was Todd.

He pulled out a gun and aimed it at Syd. Before he could shoot it, I reversed time, my hands behind my back (oh shit it worked) and made a rock (that he kicked), reverse back and shot it into his throat and threw his gun, after I took it,  in the lake after taking the ammo out threw it in the lake too.

Syd used her power with her mind and made a squirrel fall on him and it attacked him and he fell down the sewer vent and died.


"You okay?!"

"Yeah.." I sighed.

Soon the police came, luckily no one saw and we told him a squirrel attacked him and he fell into the sewer and that the guy who was helping Todd, tried to kidnap me with chloroform and that he had a gun too.

They arrested him and went into the lake to get the gun and ammo and went down to see if Todd was really dead. Yeah and there's the squirrel. Its dead hands trying to scratch out Todd's eye's still stuck in dead Todd's eye sockets..


The cops left and Syd, Stan and I just looked at each other.

"We didn't kill him. The squirrel did-"

"It made him fall down there. I just made the squirrel fall on him.. I mean he was gonna kidnap you."

We all breathed out. Shit.

I felt Syd quickly hug me.

"You sure you're okay?"

"Yeah, I think."

"Fucking shit"

(Control)sydney novak x fem reader #1Where stories live. Discover now