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A/n: incase u didnt know by now. Syd's "dad" isnt her dad. He is but not in the reader and syds timeline so syds actual dad the one in her timeline is dead or gone.. sorry if it wasnt clear before lol

My eyes slowly opened but I felt unimaginable pain, just as I saw in the vision, Syd and Stan and a few other people were in cages. The other people had been tortured and it won't be long before it happens to them too..

I realized I was hooked up to something, wires all through my veins.. handcuffed and tied to a chair.

My ears were still ringing, I couldn't hear anything yet and in an instant, I heard Greg's voice.

"Syd. There's nothing you can do. You can't save Stan and y/n-"

"Is mine!" Evil Stan had yelled and Syd growled at him, showing her perfect white teeth and she's more pissed than usual. She held the cage's bars.

"You stay the hell away from her!" Things began to shake but it wasn't as strong as usual.

"You have a limit Sydney.. most people do.." I couldn't even look at them. I just kept staring at my hands. Fuck how do I get these off?!

I couldn't even really hear them. My head still fucking hurts and I was still bleeding and in so much pain.

"Stop! You're hurting her!" I heard Syd cry out. That hurt my heart..

My hands began to shake.

"First him and then you. You will watch as they die! Y/n, from my own doing and Stan from his evil self!"

I somehow shot my hand up and the handcuff broke off.

"Y/n! What are you doing?!"


If I make myself be in pain it will fuck with it!

I had reversed Evil Stan walking towards Stan but somehow the keys to unlock the cage stayed in the key hole and I grabbed a knife nearby as I began to bleed more.

I gently cut my forehead and the microchip fell out. I crushed it and was under my own control again.

Greg had tried to use his power on me but I reversed it. Not even really able to Stand I looked at Syd.


She had somehow used to power and the cages broke apart and I reversed some hitting me. I began to fall back and I felt Stan catch me.

Greg tried to use his power but nothing.



"A limit" I said softly as Syd had started to make the whole building fall.


"We can't. They'll get out again."

I saw someone appear. She was nice looking and had green hair.

"My power is taking away other people's powers.." She had walked over to Evil Stan and Greg who were trapped under something and injured. I saw her grab their arms and instantly, they passed out and looked pale.

A portal began to open.

"Here go back to your timeline." Guess we have no choice but to trust her..

As we did, I felt myself start to pass out again.

"A-are you two okay?" I struggled to speak.

"Y-yeah." They smiled sadly at me.


"Yeah, y/n?" She held me gently in her arms holding my head up a little.

"I-I love you." I began to cough out blood and groaned.

"Y-you're gonna b-be okay.. I love you too y/n." She said in between sobbing. Aww..

I looked at Stan.

"You did great dude."

"Thanks." He smiled.

I felt my eyes close. If anything happens to me, at least they're okay and we stopped the bad guys..

A couple days later no ones pov

"She's in a coma. We don't know if she'll ever wake up and her brain levels are strange. Damn machine.." the doctor walked out and left Syd and Stan to cry.

"Y/n please.."

"Please wake up."

"Wake up."

(Control)sydney novak x fem reader #1Where stories live. Discover now