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-timeskip a few days later-

As the micro chip went into the skin of my arm I began to feel a vibration through my body, it stopped after a while. I guess it does work and it only responds to the voice of someone close to me I guess. I don't really know how it works, just that it does. I think.

All this waiting is killing me, it might actually kill me before the bad guys could.

I felt Syd hold my hand as I saw a portal start to appear.

"You two should hide.." so they hid behind a bush.

I saw evil Stan and he just smiled at me.

"Y/n. You know we were friends once, well not this timeline you- my timeline's you." He tried to seem cool but any Stan, even an evil one will start to overexplain if you let him. It's one of the things I like about our Stan. But this one, just pisses me off..

"Shame my timeline's Syd had to kill that y/n. They were friends but she never saw what y/n did. That's what killed her. She was a bitch." I felt angry now, I don't know if I can control it for this mission. Maybe that's what they want..

"You're lying!"

"Angry.. hmm.. cute. It's a shame this time we won't fail. So your Syd will never see you again!" He pulled me into the portal and as he turned with his back to Syd and Stan, they jumped through and hid behind something.


"Y/n, let me explain.. simply stated, evil is much more fun. Before I was given powers, I was dorky and lame and you never liked me! Well, you never did anyway, but I mind controlled you and then I felt bad about doing so.. but we found a better use for you. He did."

Just like that he appeared. Stupid bitch.

"What's up, Stupid bitch?"

"That's not his name!"

"That's not my name!"

They both yelled in unison.

"It's actually Greg."

"That's lame!" I laughed. Come on mind control me bitch. I know how to stop you.

"That is enough! Stanley-"

"It's Stan! Really Evil and Cool Stan.."

"Too long!"

"Fine. Evil Stan.."

"Anyway. Evil Stan! The mind control chip."

Oh shit! There's another micro chip?!


I'm not sure if that would matter but..

Evil Stan presented Greg with the micro chip and he pushed it into my forehead.

Ow what the fuck.

I felt my body become tense as I tried to calm down, this is a part of the plan but why am I so worried?

I felt weird almost as if I wasn't even living but not dead either.

"Y/n... Y/n?" Greg asked snapping his fingers in my face. My head shot up to look at him. I'm really not in control of anything am I?

Where's Syd?! Where's Stan?!

"Yes?" That didn't even sound like me..

"Watch this." He then punched Evil Stan in the face and threw a glass bottle at him. Time seemed to be in slow motion.

"Reverse what I just did."

I did..

He began to laugh evily.

(Control)sydney novak x fem reader #1Where stories live. Discover now