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Fuck. My gamble was wrong. Hunter had made it back to the house before me. I had planned ahead and clutched my gas station receipt as if it were a golden ticket. The sense of dread filled me as I rushed to go inside, my mind screaming to stop and run away from the pain I was surely to endure the moment I walked in, but knowing every second I was late was another second added to my torment.
As soon as I stepped into the house, there was a hand already in my hair, as Hunter dragged me along with him into the nearest room, which was the study.
"I'm sorry!" I automatically shouted as he slammed the door, it seemed to shudder as he did so and shoved me to the ground, my arm already feeling bruised from the fall.
Holding up the gas receipt for him to see clearly, I cried. "The car was running low, I was only thinking about you babe I wanted to help out!" Before I even stepped to Cayden, I had already worked out a cover story. Earlier in the morning, I noticed how the gas light had come on. At the time I didn't think anything of it, but saw a good cover story when thoughts entered my mind that I needed to meet the new kid.
Hunter snatched the receipt and looked at it before shaking his head. I could see the twitch of his jaw slow down and I knew I would be okay. For now .
"Oh, sorry babe, thanks. I just worry," he collected me into his arms and the paper with Caydens number burned in my pocket. Already, I had memorized it, but of course I had forgotten to throw it away. So it felt heavy, it might as well have been a rock inside my pocket.
So of course, it made my heart start to thunder in my chest and a coldness washed over me.
He buried his face into my neck and I started to shake. "Oh pet, tsk tsk tsk," he pulled back and stepped away. Putting his hands behind his back, he started to circle me.
"I don't trust you," he growled out. Then he laughed.
"Let me rephrase. I know you." His eyes bore into my skull and it felt like my whole being, my weak wolf cried out for me to obey my alpha, to tell him everything. But I knew he'd kill me for the moment, although innocent, that I shared with Cayden. Unable to stand his play thing entertaining another.
Still, I sobbed out against trying to disobey, as my body shook with restraint from telling the truth. And another deep growl sounded in the room. As he was close to my body, staring down at me as I trembled like a leaf.
And this was why I never disobeyed, it seemed he could always get the truth out of me and I was helpless to do anything else but comply. Comply completely, his hold was so strong now, it was impossible to sneak around him.
Obey, he growled out in my head and I broke down.
"I waited at school before I went to get gas," I let out in such a hurry it sounded like "IwaitedatschoolbefreIwenttogetgas"
Hunter looked shocked at that. Confusion was plain as day on his face as his eyebrows drew together. "Why?" He whispered and I wanted to start crying but it would make me look more guilty so I just stared at him for a moment, thinking of what to say.
My cover story had seemed so solid earlier. And now it was gone. Slipping through my fingers like running water. "Dammit tell me," he backhanded me, sending me to the floor again, before dipping down to grab the front of my shirt yanking me towards him like a rag doll, his eyes wild.
"To have a break from you!" The words flew out before I had time to even form them inside of my mind, to make sure they were the right words.
It hurt my very being to not tell the whole truth. His eyes seemed to usually pluck out the truth from my very mind. But I had held stronger than I usually did this time.
His eyes widened. "I give you everything!" He seemed genuinely confused.
"You hurt me," I cried out. "You treat me like a slave."
He got close to my face as he spit out, "You're mine?" He said it almost as if it were a question. "Besides, you love it. Do you know how wet you get on my dick when I shove inside of you? You fucking enjoy it, you don't want to admit you're just as fucked up. If I didn't do this to you, you'd be whoring around until someone gave you what you needed."
My mouth dropped open as I looked up at him. "Is that what you tell yourself?"
For once my defiance wasn't met with violence.
Hunter's eyes went wide before he shook his head and stood up slowly. He opened his mouth to say something, but shook his head again.
"Whatever," he muttered before he was strolling to the door, walking out, leaving me feeling as if I had avoided certain death. And hoping I made him finally realize how badly he treated me.
Maybe he would change? Or let me go?
But I knew when things seemed too good to be true, they usually were.
It was why I should avoid Cayden from now on.
Just a simple meeting and I almost got myself killed. And for what? This Cayden could be a lot worse or maybe just not even worth the time to be friends. Not when the risk was death.

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