Love Again #15 {A Hood Love}

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"An I new that I would make it out one day. Rappin or trapin it was gone be one way. Before this rap shit we was bout gun play. Now in a year I can see me on rip the runway...."

{Deondre's POV}

"lemmi get a bite" I said reaching for Shay's sandwich.

"No dawdy,I hunwry,you make your own sanwich" she said holding her sandwich up so I couldn't reach it.

"Come on lil momas just bite" I said smiling.

She looked at me thoughtfully before she said anything.

"Say pwease" she said giggling

"Please" I said

She handed her sandwich to me and I took a huge bite of it and handed it back to her.

She looked at thr sandwich with wide eyes and gasped.

"DAWDYYYY" she screamed "You ate all my sandwich.

"No-" I was cut off by Anika making her way into the kitchen.

"What's going on here" she asked placing her hands on her hips.

"Nothing." we both said at the same time.

She smiled "I thought so" she said

My phone began to ring and I noticed it was Rambo.

I left the kitchen and went to my office down the hall.

Rambo- Ace-


Rambo-"Naw nigga don't wassup me. You ass done gone gost on a yo niggas. Where you been,oh I forgot yo ass was playin house huh?"

Ace- "Mayn shutup dont forget who runnin this shit. I fuck yo ass up keep playin wit me".

Rambo- Ight,Ight but we found out who came after Anika a while back.

Ace- "Oh shit I almost forgot about that who is it? What they want?".

Rambo- "Ion know yet we thought you would wanna be the one to ask him quetions. We locked his bitch ass up in the basment of the Trap house. We just waitin on you.

Ace-"Ight man which trap house tho?"

Rambo- "The main house"

Ace- "Ight ill be der in a few"

Rambo- "One"

Ace- "One"

After hanging up I grabbed my gun put it in the seam of my belt and headed out.

I headed back into the kitchen.

"Aye lil momas I gotta head out real quick. I should be back soon" I said

A look of disapointment flashed across her face but went away just as fast as it came.

"Can I go" Shay asked standing up in her chair?

"No not this time baby girl. An get down from that chair" I said.

"Otay" she said sitting down looking down.

I kissed Anika's lips softly and the top of Shay's head.

"I lowve you dawdy" Shay said cheesing from ear to ear.

"I love you too" I said exiting the kitchen. Then the house. I hopped in my car and made my way toward the main trap house.

15 mins later....

"Where he at?" I asked Trel as I walked in.

"Still downstairs, I tried asking him a few questions but he's not corporating " he said.

"Well get me some alcohol and the sharpest nife you can find" I said heading to the basement.

As I was making my way downstairs I could hear screaming mixed in with laughter. I chuckled to my self Rambo was probably down there terrorizing the nigga.

I opened the door to see Rambo bent down face to face talking to who ever the dude was. The guy didn't respond so Rambo punched the shit out the guy. I flinched a little that looked like it hurt. Lost was standing behind the dudes chair with his arms crossed and a smirk on his face. Although lost was one quite not mothafucka but he didn't play he was dangerous. I any moment now he was gone fuck this nigga up.

"Aye" I said causing everyone to look up at me.

"Bruh im bout ready to kill this nigga" Rambo said looking viciously at the guy in the chair. I walked up to him noticing his face was messed up pretty bad. He had two black eyes a busted lip and bruises on his face and arms.

Just then Trel came back in with the alcohol and nife. I rubbed my hands together boi I was about to fuck this nigga up.

"So why you after me and my family? " I asked

He looked up at me mugging me hard not saying a word.

"See now im trying to give you the benefit of the doubt and not kill you bitch ass on the spot. But you really testing my patience. So ima just ask you this last time why you after me and my family?" I asked. He looked at me unmoved by anything I just said.

I picked up the nife admiring how sharp it was. I just hoped it was sharp enough to cut of some fingers off. Cause this nigga was gone start talking one way or another.

His hands where tide together so he was gone have to take this shit. I picked up his hands picking his middle finger to cut first. He started shaking and moving as he saw what I was about to do. I didn't hesitate as I chopped his finger off. He screamed so loud I had to cover my ears. There was blood gushing out of his fingers like a water fall. I chuckled this nigga was weak. I told him to talk but no he didn't listen. I opened the bottle of alcohol and squeezed some it on his finger. He screamed even louder.

"OKAY,OKAY " he screamed.

"Talk" I said.

"Where not after your family just you. There's this guy named P.Money he said you owe him or something like that. He said He helped you get into this game but you got rich and forgot about him. He wants revenge or some shit and wants to take over your umpire. I just work for him man,that's it"he said shaking.

I nodded my head rubbing my hands over my waves.

"An there's something eles" he said looking at me closely.

"What?" I asked.

"He's obsessed with ya girl man. I mean really he has pictures of her all over his office. He sends people to watch her. He knows everything about her. He says she's gonna have all his kids. I mean I can understand though she is sexy a..." I cut him off by putting two bullets to his head.

Now I was beyond pissed I new exactly who P.Money was. When I was younger he use to help me out a little bit. Nothing Major though Im the one who made it to the top. And if he wanted credit for that he had me fucked up. Plus if he thinks he's ever gonna even catch a glimpse of my girl he had life fucked up foreal.

I'd put his ass six feet under real quick...




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