Chapter 12: Harry

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The following week was torture. Louis only had to stare at the silent TV for three seconds before he sighed in frustration, and Harry would diligently join him in the bed, careful of the needle in his arm. Eventually the hospital staff gave up on trying to keep them apart, only entering the room when it was necessary for Louis' treatment. Harry spent his days snuggling close to Louis, pushing him around the endless halls for hours as they explored, and being treated for his small nuances. The bruises faded, the cuts scabbed and faded to a dull white, and his hair started growing back. Still, there was nothing healing about the stark white hospital rooms, and many times he suddenly froze mid-step, swearing he had just seen Amos' ragged clothes and oily smile disappear around the corner.

Eventually Louis confronted him about it, after he had paused and shivered in the hallway, his gaze following a hospital employee with the same haircut. Harry could see how much he wanted to be able to help, but there was nothing he could do. Instead, Louis signed him up for a therapist. Despite Harry's immediate reluctance, he started to attend the sessions regularly due to his fiance's concern. He had to admit it felt a bit better to get his horrors off his chest, but it was still too soon for him to feel comfortable admitting to the details of his kidnapping.

Finally, they let them go home. They both moved into Harry's house, ditching the IV and only returning to the hospital once a week to check in on Louis' progress. Now that they were home, Louis couldn't be contained to a bed. It was like dealing with a child, and Harry did his best to choose activities that wouldn't require too much movement. He even started trying to teach Louis how to cook, but after almost causing a house fire, they gave up. Instead they played card games, had movie marathons, and wrote songs.

After a month of idleness, Louis was finally cleared to start doing physical activity again. They celebrated by going out for ice cream and playing football with the kids behind the store. It became a daily routine, and sometimes Harry would hang back and watch with fascination as Louis' feet flashed, tapping the ball in sharp movements that brought him through five defenders without a pause. He and Harry switched teams every day to keep the odds fair, though Harry had to admit he was getting a bit better at the sport.

He smiled now, reliving the good and bad memories of the recent months while gently running his fingers through his hair, doing his best to style it. Eventually he just combed it over, letting it fall in curls that almost reached his shoulders.

The door squeaked open and he grinned, feeling Louis' presence without needing to turn around. Louis stepped into view, dressed in a dark blue suit with a white rose in his chest pocket.

"Your tie isn't straight," Louis huffed, reaching towards his neck. Harry caught his hands, his eyes sparkling.

"Is it gay then?" he joked. Louis rolled his eyes, trying not to grin.

"I don't need your terrible jokes right now," he said, although they could both feel the nerves pushing down on them lessen slightly. Harry leaned down to kiss him but Louis turned his head away.

"I thought we agreed we weren't going to do that until the priest said so," Louis reminded him. Harry chewed his lip, weighing the consequences. He had foolishly agreed when Louis had asked him not to kiss that day until they were married, not realizing how many moments they shared. Now he felt it in himself, a longing for Louis' lips against his. Still, he pushed it down. He couldn't blame Louis for wanting this day to be special, and he wasn't going take any of the joy away from him.

Instead, He closed his eyes and softly kissed the top of Louis' head. Surprisingly, Louis didn't complain. They stayed that way for a moment, Harry resting his cheek on Louis' soft hair. Then the door opened once again, their stylist Sarah stepping inside the small room. She may have been a petite blonde, but she could be scary during a job. Especially when that job was with Louis and Harry.

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