The Middle

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I stopped and stared at my hands and then into the eyes of my mother, I didn't mean to say those things, I don't hate her.

"Mom, I'm so sorry, I didn't mean," I tried.

"No, no, you're right," she saw the look in my eyes and tested again.

"Jacque stop it's alright, you had to get it out somehow, I know some parts are not true, but the others were, and maybe we both need some time, but when you're ready I'm here." She said softly getting up from the couch.

She slightly turns "I just want to say, Jacque, that I did notice. I noticed you every step of the way. I would tell all the workers and patrons at the diner each chance I got" I saw her eyes gleam with proudness.

        "I have always been so proud of you, and sometimes, oh goodness Jacque, I know I didn't make the right decisions, but sometimes we make mistakes, and as a single mother I thought tough love was the only option to get you out of here." I saw tears rolling down her face, but I sat in place waiting for her to finish, I just don't know how to feel.

      "I asked for money from my own child! I never meant to become that person, and you know what? I did, and I can't take it back, so I 'm trying to own up to every wrongdoing. Jacque, I am so sorry. I am so sorry for doing that, I never meant to make you feel that way, and I apologize for the things I have done. I love you Jacque" She says while wiping her tears.

" You do not have to forgive me right away, but I will always be here for you." I stayed silent until she went to turn away. I got up with her and hugged her before she could walk away.

"I'm sorry I do forgive you, it was just so hard. I do love you." I whispered holding her tight with warm tears falling down my cheeks.

      She was holding me just as tight and whispered I love you back, but I could barely understand her through her tears. I closed my eyes and when I reopened them, I saw the ornament glistening in the back on the side table, and I turned away.

      My mom and I were finally on bearable speaking terms, and I have to say I appreciate this time with her. We talked all night about anything and everything, my job, how her diner is doing pretty well since I left, and I guess that's how she got the new couch, but I didn't ask. She told me she was seeing someone and I gasped to which we then talked about them giddily for hours. My dad was not in the picture my entire life, and frankly, I do not care to know him or find him, so I was excited for her. We talked all night until we both fell asleep on the couch.

        The next morning I woke up to an empty spot on the couch and leaned over and stretched happily. I walked over to the fridge to see a note. 

Jacque, I appreciated yesterday so much but unfortunately, I have some business to attend to at the diner, maybe come by for lunch? - Mom

         I grabbed the note on the fridge and put it down on the counter. I wasn't that hungry so I drank some orange juice and ate a piece of toast with butter. I walked to the stairs but turned around when I forgot to put my ornament on the tree! I found the perfect spot right in the front and I then hurried upstairs to get ready for the day to walk around town, curious to see what changed, since I haven't actually gone to the town since I moved away.

I finally walk out the door and start my walk to the town, where my mother's diner resides. After about a relaxing 10 minute walk I start to see the beautiful town I grew up in with the quaint, tree-lined downtown which is filled with great shops, galleries, and restaurants. I can start to see the curve in which the street leads to stunning water views of the docks overlooking the bay, and that's when I come upon the old mom and pop shop I used to frequent. I stared at it, looking at the old worn out wood sign, before taking a breath and grabbing the knob. The smell instantly hit me and it felt like I was a teenager again. I look around standing in the entrance and start walking to the register. I look around and don't see anyone until I see a body pop up from behind the register scaring me. I yelped until I realized who it was.

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