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I freeze, looking up from the floor. The girls the circle are all glaring at me as we're told to go to our assigned mats. I see Dallas take off towards the mat nearest the door and start stretching. One of the girls whispers a 'good luck' and smiles evilly at me. I walk over to the mat with my head down and stand on the opposite side of him. After what feels like eternity the teachers blow a whistle and the sound of movement reaches my ears as he rushes at me. I quickly spin out of the way, making him rush past me.

Mate. Mine.

I shake my head. My stomach clenches and I look up to see if he noticed. Instead of turning around or making it known that he knows, he just laughs.

"Sneaky little snake." He turns around and attempts to grab me again. I almost spin left but see him lunge that way and spin quickly right. The mat trips him, making him stumble. Gasps echoed around the gym as he gets back upright. I duck my head, not wanting to make eye contact. He doesn't come back at me, making me peak at him from the corner of my eye.

"Hit me." He says, standing there. I stop breathing momentarily.


I let out a frustrated huff and shake my head.

"Just hit me, I won't even feel it." He says this time, his voice getting deeper. He takes a step closer, making me take one back. He does it again, and I feel the wall pressed against my back. No noise was made as he leans his hand on the wall next to my face.

"Hit. Me." He says forcefully, almost tauntingly.


I have the strange urge to show him my neck, but instead shake my head, making my hair shake further in my face. My head was still ducked to my chest, my hair hiding my face and eyes. Suddenly a calloused and warm hand grabs my chin and jerks it up to meet his eyes. They're glowing gold. A growl echoes through the spacious gym.

"Mate." He growls, leaning over me. Holy shit. His eyes were glowing, his body was shaking. I was ready to cry. So I did what he asked me to. I took my knee and brought it towards his exposed stomach. It hits, and he lets go, growling at me. I push him away and run out of the door. If I know one thing I'm good at- it's running away. 

A slam echoes into the hall as the door closes and something large slams into it. I'm past the cafeteria when a long howl reaches my ears.


I huff at the mutt in my head and take a right, coming across the art rooms. I come to a 4 way intersection and stop. In front of me is a wolf. A full on fucking blonde wolf. How is a wolf blonde?? Why am I even thinking about this right now???

"You've got to be kidding me." I choke out.

Mate. Another mate!

I frown at that. No. Oh Goddess please no. Now I really want to cry. The wolf is sitting down, waiting for me to make a move, his intelligent eyes looking at me sharply. I try and back up, but come across a red-brown wolf as tall as my waist lapping leisurely at my leg. I yelp and move away from him.

More mates!!

It was that sentence that made me break.

"You have got to be fucking kidding me. Hell no. Go fuck yourself universe. Oh my-" I start hyperventilating as I back up and lean against the corner of the intersection. The two wolves come closer. I hold up my hand and shake my head wildly, making them whimper. Suddenly a gray wolf comes up from the direction I came, growling and panting.

Mate. Dallas.

I back away. He looks rabid. The other two wolves must know he's scaring me because they turn and huff at him. I take this as an opportunity to leave and take off, barks following my fast retreat. A door swings open suddenly, making me stop and two thick arms wrap around my stomach. The wind gets knocked out of me as I'm almost immediately pushed down onto a desk so I'm bent over in a dark classroom.

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