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It had been a week since we got married.

My shirtless husband was sat upright on a deck chair while he worked on his laptop, occasionally running his hand through his hair and lowering his gaze to see through his shades as his feet were crossed over each other. His neon green shorts caught my attention.

I was sat nearby on a swing, reading The Disappearance by Annabel Kantaria. With my chin on my right knee, I flicked through the pages slowly and intently, engrossing myself completely in the inquisitive story, with my left foot pushing off the ground; the soft grass tickling its sole as the swing moved back and forth.

I stole occasional glances at Virat who looked so tempting with his abs glistening with the poolwater droplets settled on his skin as we had just gone for a swim in the beautiful baby blue waters of the Maldives. We were on our honeymoon, and as usual, Virat would have to work or attend to some call at least one or two days in any holiday we went on.

"Oh God." I mumble, almost teary eyed as I read the climax of the novel. "Are you stupid?!" I squeal, a bit too loudly for Virat's liking.

He looks at me like he'd just seen a rabbit pole dancing.

"You okay there?" He laughs surprisingly.

"Sorry, it's just this book." I shut the pages as I can't bear to read anymore. It was too sad. One character in particular made me want to jump off a cliff - but instead I face palm myself (the safer option).

"Now who died?" He jokes. He has a problem with my taste in the tragedy genre.

I smile for a split second before my lips straighten again.

He places his laptop to one side and joins my on the hammock. He pushes me so I'm flat on my back and he gives me a few short consecutive kisses before I sit up and allow his head to rest in my lap. He closes his eyes and I run a hand through his hair gently as I go back to my book.

We let the hammock rock us gently.

My leg suddenly goes numb from Virat's body weight on it and I try and pull my legs out without hurting him. He quickly awakens and shuffles himself so I can adjust but lies down again. I stroke his chest slowly and he whines gently and sleepily. I smile at how adorable he is sometimes. I still don't know how we are married.

How on earth did Virat Kohli marry me? And now he's officially mine - just mine!

I lift his head and lie down beside him, my head resting underneath his chin and he runs his lips along my navel slowly, with his eyes still closed, and his heavy arm stroking my bare waist. I was in shorts and a maroon bralette.

"Stop." I laugh as I feel him trying to slip his fingers into my clothing through the strings.

"No." He says stubbornly, pulling me closer with a smirk. "You're my wife now. I have every right over every part of you."

"Um... misogynist much?" I joke.

His eyes fly open and he blinks at me like I was a disgrace.

"It's called being romantic, stupid." He kisses me on my forehead.

I felt like more than just a married couple, we were definitely each other's best friends. Even when we first started dating, I adored him and loved him as a man - my man, but now I see him as more of a supportive friend more than anything and I love that.

"So... I have some free time now. If you want we can..." He says huskily.

I roll my eyes. "Don't you have a call in 10 minutes."

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