Chapter 3

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Gabriel’s POV

I was almost falling asleep on this stupid class, however the comments about Alexis’ outfit that the guys were saying desperately were the only thing keeping me awake. I had to hold my breath, to not laugh, otherwise she would known I was the guilty one. I heard the teacher saying something about a new homework, but I didn’t pay much attention, only when I heard my name with Alexis I considered to give him a chance.

When I looked at her she had an expression on her face that mixed pain and anger, then I realized she was not going to get off her sit, and we still needed to discuss about this stupid work. I pushed my chair back making a scratchy noise then stood up walking to the desk next to hers, we stared each other ‘till I broke the silence between us. “Hey, we can make it work”. She had this high pitched tune on her voice, just like she was freaking out. I started teasing her. “Ought! You really are what you wear”.

I thought she was collapsing, because her face went blank, then Alexis totally changed personality. Her sexy pose hit me like a stone, I couldn’t concentrate on what she was saying, it was impossible. “Ok ok , as you asked so naughty, I’ll drive you there, be at the main gate, at 3 o’clock, honey”. So she was going to my place later on, but something was bothering me about all that.

I couldn’t think about anything other than her voice echoing in my head, “Honey”, where that came from? This is a peculiar girl, she bumps at me on her first day and call me an asshole,  nobody calls me an asshole. Then she hits me with a ball on my face and don’t even apologize, fortunately the new girl had a taste of my revenge, but why she had to use it against me? She didn’t even know that I was the responsible for her state, that girl was playing with me, playing with fire, and she will get hurt, I know that.

The last school bell rang, and the corridors started crowding, I took some time to get to my car, but happily Alexis was already waiting for me next to the front gate like I said before. She opened the car’s door and turned to me, and just a few inches from my face she whispered, “Hey honey”.

Alexis POV  

I entered his red BMW, and gathered all my forces to say a sexy “Hey honey”, I was getting tired of this honey crap. The ride was unbearable, he kept giving me those glances from earlier and I was still using that awful outfit. The only difference was that I found out to have a cute and decent sweater on my other locker, and it made me look a little more decent.

We drove all the way to his house without speaking with each other, and I was extremely glad for that. Trying to find something to do on the car I got my phone from my bag to see if there were any new text messages, and there was one! I quickly clicked on the icon to open it

“-Are you going to answer me or not? Please, don’t ignore me…you know I love so much”

Angry I just shoved my phone back in my bag, this was ridiculous. There was no sense on even bothering with it.

“Who was it from?”  I turned my face to see that Gabriel was staring at me, probably curious of why I looked angry out of nowhere. Who did he think he was, we are not even friends, and he was asking stuff personal like this, if it wasn’t for my plan, I would have snapped back a very impolite answer. But I tried getting calm ”No one important” then he just shrugged it off.

Sooner then I expect he started slowing his speed and turned right, stopping in front of big coper gates with an emblem on it, and with a click of a remote control he opened them up, getting inside a big patio with a huge garden. 

He parked his car in front of the mansion. The bright summer sun was illuminating the creamy colored plaster coating the exterior of the house, making it glow, and luscious green leaves and pink flowers wound their way up the side of the walls attached to vines. On the front ward was placed a stunning concrete fountain the size of two me’s, and surrounding it was variety, of flowers, from pink tulips, to tiny yellow daisies.  

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