Part 1 : the letter arrived

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Alex had just came back from another trip too Maria's . He only would go if he was stressed out again... Ah f*ck it .. he went back again and stayed for the night.

Angelica was
Playing her piano all night waiting for her farther Alexander too return home . He didn't for a the whole night.

In the morning Alex remembered .
Oh yeah he has a kid !

It was only Angelica at home . She was alone when Alexander came through the door . "Hello Angelica..." he said too her daughter "hi pa " said Angelica who continued playing. Hamilton read whilst listening too his daughter play the piano
In his mind all he was thinking about is Maria .

Alexander went outside . Despite that Angelica was still playing. The piano.
Alex was getting "too stressed " so he went back too Maria . After a hour he came back and went upstairs too rest whilst Angelica still played.
Then. A letter came through. It was addressed too Alexander from James Reynolds . Angelica went too pick it up and not thinking she read the letter and it said

"Dear Sir. I hope this letter finds you in good health. And in the prospor of position to put wealth, in the pockets of people like me, down om their luck. You see that was my wife who you decided to-' FUUUU-"

"OH UH? You made the wrong sucker cockle, so time to pay the piper for the pants you unbundled???? And hey you can keep seeing my whore wife, if the price is right??? If not, I'm telling your wife-"

"What the ?!" Said Angelica. Dad had a affair? She thought in her mind . If that's the case then her father will proabbly leave. She placed down the letter on his farthers desk and she continued playing piano then tried too get sleep.

The next day ... Alex saw a letter on his desk and read it...

"Oh sh-" he ran too Maria's house "why did you tell me like this " Alex said
"I had no choice " pleaded Maria
"You did!" Said alex
"Just give him what he wants then you can have me !" Said Maria
"I don't want you!" Hamiltion started too back away

Angelica started too go look for his farther wondering if he was alright

Alexander opend the door and walked out

"Pa?" Said Angelica when she saw her dad walking out of the house

"Angelica?" Hamiltion walked too her
"What are you doing here"
"I was looking for you"
She said
"Well I'm here" he said awkwardly
"What about we went home?"
"Sure " said Angelica smilling up at him.
They both started too walk home
Whilst Angelica played piano hamiltion wrote a letter too Maria saying how he still couldn't stop thinking about her.

The next day whilst Alexander was sleeping Angelica went too the park by herself too ease the thoughts of her dad having too leave.
She sat on a bench
coincidentally a John Reynolds was passing that bench and recognised Angelica
"Hello" he said
"Oh hi" said Angelica
James saw the reavblance too Alexander in Angelicas eyes .
"What's your last name" he asked
"Hamiltion "she said
"Oh ..and you farthers name"
"Alexander!" She said
"So Alexander Hamilton "he asked
"Yeah "she replied
"That stupid b**t*rd hasn't payed me" James said in a rage
"Hey dont call my pa that!" Scored Angelica
"I can and if he Dosnt pay I'm going too kill him!" Said James
"DONT SAY THAT!" Shouted Angelica
Alexander was looking for Angelica because she wasn't home when
He woke up and when he saw here he over heard the talk
"I can saw what ever I want cause that man had a affair with my wife "
"I KNOW THAT" she scold
"Angelica?" Said Alexder
"What are you doing?" Oh shit she knew..
"I was sitting down and this guy started too talk too me"
Alexander shoved someone money into james hand and grabbed Angelicas hand and started too walk away

After when they got home the thing that usually happens . Well happens. Angelica lays the piano and Alexander reads

The next day was mainly the same thing just Alexander reading and Angelica playing the piano.

The next day whilst Alex was talking took eliza in there bed room a letter arrived

Obliviously,Angelica opened it and saw it was from Maria . That was it! She had had enough.! She grabbed along Maria's letters and started a small fire outside and started too burn the letters

"BURN !" Angelica was shouting it as loud as she could whilst loudly crying. She didnt want her farther too leave and that women ruined her chances of ever seeing him. Agian
She was shouting so loud you could proabbly here it even if you were in france.

Whilst Alex and eliza were talking Alex and eliza could  hear Angelica screaming .
Alex went out too her and eliza watched from a distance
"Angelica?" He noitced the small fire which Angelica instantly put out

"Pa?" Said Angelica turning around
"What's the matter?" he walked up to her and hugged her.
"I'm fine pops " she lied smilling
" were crying, I could hear you...What's wrong?" Asked Alexander
She just sighed
He grabbed Angelicas hand and walked to her room, and closed the door behind "What's the matter?!"
"I don't want you too go because of this whole thing " she said putting her face in her hands crying

Alexander scoffed off "Well if you don't tell her, I won't have to go!" he said before gasping lightly and kissing her neck "I'm sorry. I'm tense...Listen, I won't leave. Ever!" he said before kissing her head again and leaving the room "Try to get some sleep, please!" he said before closing the door and going to his room and Eliza.

"What happened?l eliza asked kinda woirred for there daughter.

Alexander sighed "Nothing, she just got hurt and didn't want to tell us, since she thought we'll get mad"

"Alright. And she thought we would get mad about her being hurt?" Eliza raised an eyebrow. "When have we ever been mad when she's gotten hurt?"

"That's what I said...Its just a little cut, it already disappeared. She sanitised it..." he hugged Eliza and slept

Angelicas anxiety was getting really bad and it lead her too cut her skin with a peace of glad then she was able too sleep

[B]The end

The letter that changed evrything (pls dont read this)Where stories live. Discover now