Part 2: The info is spread

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I'm continuing my story from not long ago this ones mainly focused on the actual Reynolds pamphlet song so yeah
I also have Grammarly so yay fewer mistakes

This is even worse oh god


Maria Reynolds
James Reynolds
Alexander Hamilton
Eliza Hamilton
Angelica Hamilton
Phillip Hamilton
Thomas Jefferson
James Madison
Aaron burr


Alex came back from a long day. It was now late at night as he came home. He just did something that he would probably regret for a long time. He was accused of breaking the law. He had to confess what he had actually done......about the affair. Too of the three people that he demised which they will probably use next time they go toe too toe.

Even though it was late at night angelica was playing the piano with only a candle for a light source. She squinted her eyes so she could see the notes on her page. She played quietly so she wouldn't wake up her mother. Her father hadn't come home yet. He was probably with that miss Reynolds again. Alexander Hamilton entered the house. He was going to go upstairs when he heard the piano being played. He follows the noise and saw angelica playing the piano
she turned around "yes?"
" it's late at night you should be asleep"
"okay" she started to get too bed picking up the candle
"goodnight Angie"
"night pop" she goes sleep and Alexander copied

A week later it was about the middle of the day when Angelica decided to go outside for a walk. When she exited her home a piece of paper blew in front of her on it in bold letters said "The Reynolds pamphlet" Reynolds? She recognised that word.....Ah. James Reynolds the sender of that horrible letter. As soon as she saw that she knew this was probably what she had been fearing for the past weeks.she rad the rest of it. As soon as she finished reading it she scrunched it up and ripped it up. She started to tear up " have you read this " shouted one of the people she already hated the most. Thomas Jefferson. He forced another piece of paper into the hand and started to pint out everything. She just threw the piece of parchment to the ground and started to look for her farther. She saw a group of people spreading around the pamphlets with her farther in the middle of the crowd just letting them spread the word. They were people whispering about her.
"such a poor soul," said one
"bet she hates her father now," said another
"imagine her poor mother " numbered a woman to her husband. She found Phillip also in tears. She ran too him
"Angie!" she walked too her " I bet you've heard of what happened"
"yeah..." she said
" I just can't believe it," said Phillip tears
She hugged her brother in tears
"I'm gonna tell mother" he started to go home
"no no no" she mumbled again and again too herself
tho is gonna be bad. She saw her auntie scolling at her farther.
She needed to figure out who was spreading this information and how it went all the way London. She knew instantly. It must have been vice president Jefferson. He was the one spreading around the pamphlet first and looked like he was very happy the information was now known by everything. She felt-like barging into his office and screaming at him but a child couldn't scream at the vice president because of well. It's the Vice President. She decided to send a letter and label it as send from "unknown" she quickly went home and saw her mother sobbing which made her feel terrible. She grabbed a quill, a pot of ink and some parchment and started to write the letter addressed to the vice president she needs it with yours sincerely, unknown. She quickly ran to get it posted. This was a big nightmare it was like dominos you're trying to build your life up buy if one slip can send it all tumbling down.

The next day Angelina was walking through the park watching life go by whilst sobbing too herself. She watched the birds trying to catch the bugs and the squirrels clambering up trees after an hour of walking she went home. And saw her farther whilst walking home and just looked away. She got home and decided to write something to calm her anxiety.

She wrote a small poem about the nature she saw in the park. She put it in a draw and decided to go to sleep.

To be continued

0of this one's short well I hope you like it! Please leave more. Cristin in the comments .

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