Part 3: shouted

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Another one? Yes another V Ac
The charters are the same as last pop welp let's go!


Angelica was walking around town quietly murmuring to herself she felt like sobbing. The number one thing that she didn't want to happen well... Happened. She felt crushed. She.might not be able too ever see her farther again or rarely see him for only an hour at a time the thoughts plagued her mind. After an hour she got home and the newspaper arrived. She read the headline

Vice President smack talked by unknown through a letter

She read on

Vice President Thomas Jefferson revived a letter from a person who landed themselves as "unknown"
He is trying too figure out who sent it. If you were the sender of this letter please confront the Vice President at 13:56 pm in his office in New York City

They were obviously talking about the letter she sent after the Reynolds pamphlet. She decided to confront him not about the letter but about how angry she was with him. Everything would have been okay if he didn't decide too walk in and ruin it all. She decided to go to tomorrow.

Alexander came home from work very late again he sat on the drawing-room whilst reading the newspaper how someone called unknown smack talked Jefferson.
Heh. Sounded funny after an hour of reading Alexander decided to go sleep in his office.

The next day Angelica got ready then release what she was going to do. She stopped her self and instead wrote another letter

Dear Vice President,

I would love it if you would share some the so you could read what I have to say
Not long ago you started too spread the thing that involved my father labelled as the "Reynolds pamphlet" you tho k I'm here to talk too my farther no I'm here to talk too you

You spreading that information ruined everything would have been fine if you hadn't decided to step in!

I know someone called Mr poring
He likes idiots
Which means he would love you!

I know my father more then I know my own mind you will never find anyone more trusting as it kind

If you didn't go round spreading them lies everything would be fine it would be fine we wouldn't have to leave

I love my father more than anything in this life I will choose his happiness over mine every time

I'm standing at his side
You'll never be a satisfied god I hope you're satisfied!

Yours not sincerely
, Angelica Hamilton
(A hamilton with pride)

She put it in ann envelope and sealed it with a wax stamp and mailed it.

A week later and git a letter saying that when he came I to work he is too bring his daughter Angelica. He was confused but just went along. The next day Alex brought in Angelina she knew what this was about and started too stress

"Alexander I would like to have a small chat with you about something, " said Jefferson too Alexander
"What is it now"
Said alexander
"well I received this letter" he pulled it out "from an Angelica Hamilton" so that's why they asked him to bring angelica e grabbed the letter and read it he felt like reading up his daughter was still on his side
"care to explain?" said Thomas
"It was only the truth!" said Angelina in a fit of rage
"sweet-" said Alex before being interrupted
"Your just a sick m*th*rf***er!" Everyone gasped Alexander was definitely gonna lose his job now
"Hamilton-" said Thomas
"SHUT UP!" Said the 17-year-old to the Vice President
"Like I was saying-" he got interrupted again
"Did I f*cking stutter" shouted Angelica
Alexander grabbed angelicas hand
"We'll be on our way" they started to walk home being quit the whole time.

Another short one so yeah 0of

The letter that changed evrything (pls dont read this)Where stories live. Discover now