Chapter 1-3: Meeting?

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"What is this ruckus?" An old man approached us


"It seems you have company while i was away" He looked at us with a serious look. "I'm Genjuurou, Arichi's grandfather. Thank you for taking care of him" He bows at us still wearing his serious expression.

"A-anyway gramps about the katana i broke....."

"Ah, yes... Hm!? This blade..."

"My friend here, Yuma-san helped me fix it"

"I didn't do anything, i just told you what you had to do"

Genjuurou looks at me and sighs

"Looks like you two are involved now" He looks at sis. "How about your sister?"

"The truth is we already know what's happening and we just happen to be with Arichi-san when he pulled the sword" He nods

"Regardless, with respect to this incident.... Now that you became Murasamemaru's wielder, you must bear the responsibility that comes with that" - Genjuurou

Arichi-san seems to think something.

"I'm afraid you won't be able to stay with me" - Genjuurou

"W-wait! i'm going to jail?" - Arichi

"That isn't what i meant" - Genjuurou

"So i'm going to have to pay compensation?! You're going to send me again to an underground labor camp!?" - Arichi

"Hey dude aren't you exaggerating a bit?" I whisper 

"He already did that!" - Arichi

*Gulp* That's terrible

"Calm down and listen" He clears his throat. "I would like to introduce someone you three to"

A man who was in his 20's walks to us.

"It's nice to meet you all, Arichi Masaomi-kun and?" He asks us for our names

"Yami Iwanagi and my sister here, Hikari Iwanagi"

He smiles warmly to us. "I am Tomotake Yasuharu, the head priest of Takemi Shrine"

We bow our heads in reponse. "Our pleasure is ours!"

"Feel free to call me by my first name" - Yasuharu

"Oh, uh, i'm sorry for the trouble I've caused you." - Arichi

"Oh, no. If anything, i should be the one to apologize. I'm afraid it'll be me causing you and your friends trouble" - Yasuharu

"Well, it's my fault this happened, so i'll do what i can to make up for it." - Arichi

"I see" Yasuharu looks at us. "You mention about getting involved, but do you know what it is?"

My sister looks at me to indicate our business.

"Well Yasuharu-san, my sister and i know what's happening around here and that's the reason we came for, but luckily we ran into you"

"You want to discuss about it?" - Yasuharu


"But how did you know about it? Where did you get such information?"

This time my sister steps up to answer

"Yasuharu-san" She bows a little. "I'm a mediator for yokai's and other mythical creatures and we are travelling around japan to make sure that the balance is maintained."

"Is that so, i think it's better to discuss this with Yoshino" - Yasuharu

The girl i saw dancing earlier is now approaching us.

"Huh? aren't you the shrine maiden from earlier?" - Arichi

"It's nice to meet you all, I'm Tomotake Yoshino"

"Nice to meet you, i'm Arichi Masaomi" - Arichi

"Yami Iwanagi"

"My, to think you are much prettier in person! Hikari Iwanagi, it's a pleasure to meet you"

"T-thank you, pleasure is all mine" - Tomotake

"Excuse me, but is it true that you've pulled out Musamemaru?" She face Arichi

"Oh, yeah. Well, not so much "pulled out", but "snapped in half"

"Are you certain?" She looks at Murasame "Is this all true, Murasame-sama?"

"Hai. But these two are my master" Murasame

"Two?" She looks at me. "He also pulled out the sword?"

"He didn't" She looks at me.

"Then why?" - Tomotake

"It's because of this" I pulled out the short sword. "It seems that Musamemaru and The Lost Ark  recognizes Murasame-chan as it's  guardian"

And once again my sword is reacting to Musamemaru, but this time mine is emitting a dark light, while the Musamemaru is emitting a bright light.

"It represents balance" - Haruhi

"Ahh! Yoshina-san! She's the one i been talking about!"

Tomotake-san widens her eyes in realization and kneels down in front of sis.

"Toshino-san?!" Both Genjuurou and Yasuharu are startled by Tomotake's suddenly behaviour

"Father! Genjuurou-san! This girl is the Goddess of wisdom, the one that Murasame-chan talks about"

Both elders are shock and now are kneeling in front of sis.

"Does this always happen?" Arichi-san whispers to me

"Yeah, all the time" He chuckles

I can feel sis sighing "Yasuharu-san, Genjuurou-san, as you can see Hikari-chan doesn't want to be treated like a royalty or a god, she wants you to treat her like a normal person" 

At first they hesitated but they all stand up.

"Then that makes you...." - Tomotake

"A normal person too" 

"I see.." She fixes her composure. "Then can i call you both by your first names?"

"Sure! Why not" I never seen sis this happy a year later.

"Wait----" I cut off Arichi by putting my arms in his side of the neck.

"About what i said earlier you two.." - Yasuharu

"What is it?" Me and Arichi

"You two will become a candidate for Yoshino's hand"

"Dad!!" - Yoshino

"NANI?!!!" We both screamed.

"Originally Arichi-san will become Yoshino's fiancee but seeing you two, i guess it's better to have a little competition" He smiles at us.

"My~ my~ isn't that great Yami-chan?~~" Sis teases me

"Oh stop it"

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