So, I may have panicked when he opened his mouth to speak. I may have hit him over the head with a globe, but at least I didn't kill him.
So I brought him to a place I had found, and laid him down on the bed. He seemed peaceful. So I left to go get some medicines and stuff. I may be a scientist, but I know enough about medicine to treat basic injuries. And hey, I even found a place that converted my money to their money.
What do I do if he's awake when I get back. What are you supposed to tell someone after you assult them? I think I hit him hard enough that he shouldn't wake up, right.
Oh God. He's awake. I'll just get right to the point maybe he'll understand some of it. "Hey, I'm sorry about before. I'm tired and I don't know where I'm at, or how to get back. I came here for a break, but I didn't mean to come here at all! So, I panicked when you sparked my interest, and kind of took you..." I don't even know, I just rambled on. when I finally did stop, I didn't want to say much more, so I waited.
He just seemed to realize I'd stopped talking. It gave me time to get a better look at him, and, i like him when he's awake. He's cute. Well, cute in the sense that kids usually are anyways.
"Deku." He says, interrupting my thoughts. He's pointing at himself, so, his name?
"Bill" I say, repeating his actions. "Bill" he says. He trys it out, testing how it sounds. I like how it sounds coming from him, not exactly sure why though. I decided to try his name out too, and I catch I catch him watching.
I grab some of the medicine I got, and start on applying what I can. They had some stuff that is said to repair all wounds, fix you, heal skin damage, and some other stuff. It was all surprisingly cheap.
While rubbing the stuff on his scars, I realized that it was surprisingly cold to touch, and wanted to make sure he was okay, but his face was actually quite red. I made a point in making it clear that he was not to touch his arm, and left to go sell my globe and get some money for food.
I'd thought that my overwhelming hunger would be what I felt before anything else, but it wasn't. After only ten minutes of leaving the place, I felt a longing to go back to that dumpy rental room. I sold it for 980 yen, or 9.19 American dollars, to some old antiques store. I headed to the nearest 7/11 looking place for some cheap hot dogs or something, but all I could picture was that boy. Had he left? Was he okay? I felt that this feeling would kill me if I couldn't satisfy it soon, but what is it, I wonder.