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i looked at him he was wearing a cream color kurta pajama thing which i noticed is very common in pakistan to wear .honestly i like black on him more but he is a very handsome men so anything will suit him any color .i looked at his face showing not so ever emotion in that .funny as he is a actor famous for his intense and emotional roles and here i am trying to find any emotion i can see to figure out what he wants from me .at this time he was looking at his new script which he is currently working on .after a while i got tried so i asked him or more like told him "when will you give a divorce?"that got his attention he looked up from his script to me and just kept looking and after few serious looks latter he said "never.i think"he was always a guy of few words well he was social more than me but always says few words .i did not liked his reply so i asked "why not ?"so he replied this time without looking at me "i can not "funny last time checked he could what ever he wanted .i am grateful for him for that day when he saved my life or else i would have been somewhere living a life of nobody ,my family would have lost me forever but he saved me from all that and i will never forget that but now its been almost 1 year and he love some one i do not want to be a third wheel between them but every time i ask him he either change the topic or says he can not .like he did not want to but i though it is just in my mind why would he does not want i am no one to him ,i am forced on him and he loves somebody since childhood and have promise to marry her someday.but i happened so now he have to postponed his current plan and have to wait few months but now its been months he can gave me divorce but still every time i say or ask him he change the topic .so i asked him."you can not or you wont "and gave him a look of suspect.he smiled or more like laughed and looked and me with that script still in his hand and a pen on another and for a min he stopped laughing and became serious looked in my eyes and said "true i wont.....".he paused still looking in my eyes looking for any things and then said again which made my hearth beat faster "NEVER"and with that he he gave a few sec pause and laughed and said again which for a moment made me less worried "yaaar joking na chill"and got back to his reading and doing own things .but the things about him i realized after living with him for few months is that he never lies he does not have to .he always warn you before saying any lie or doing anything bad .but he is a good men i could have never  found myself this type of men even i have tried very hard .he just happened to me but i can not be with him longer yes he is my husband but i have to leave him and go back to my country .he is a pakistani and i am a hindu (indian )which means i have to leave him one day i can not stay here in pakistan my family things i am in new york according to them i never have been to pakistan and they warned me about this country but i guess i never listen and always get into trouble .i still remember that day when i took the flight to karachi and landed here in pakistan i was very exited .but now i think i also had a little fear what if it goes wrong or what if i got stuck here no one will ever now where i am and no one can find me i will become one of those cases which people read in paper in lost column and hear in news for few days and then no one will know what happened to me if i was found or not .let me take you back on that day and let me explain you how i reach here as a wife of one of the famous actor of pakistan .


it is just a inside of what will happen i hope you guys give this one a chance .it is just a story of two people who found each other it does not matter the cast or the religion .love always find a way .it is totally my imagination not a real one so do not get offensive ,please                               thank you 


love Ginny 

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