on my way to new place

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i always dreamed to go new places i had list of places i wanted to visit some within India some was out of India but a place i always wanted to go was Karachi and Islamabad always had soft corner for Urdu and things related to that language their history and of course their makeup routine .there is saying that natural things are best and them comes the things Muslim people use no chemicals true beauty.but as i said its a saying there is no proof of its truthfulness but it attracted me toward them also their clothes is not like Indian clothes  we do have beautiful clothes or design but whenever i used to see any of their serials which was not lot l loved their dress of course in drams they give their actors to wear the best but the fact they were designed  in Pakistan and then their culture and everything the way they showed it in serials i wanted to see with my own eyes .i also heard that once you have the stamp  of Pakistan in your passport you can not travel many countries but i was ready to take that chance so i saved money from months from my 9-6 job and booked a 8 days of travel trip to Pakistan .

Tomorrow is the day when my this dream will come too.i felt mixed emotions top on that list was excitement and a little joy as it was going to be my sole trip it made it more excitement but i also had fear as what will happen .will get to meet some terrorists or what i got kidnapped so many thoughts were going in my mind at the same time but the top most was to finally see the place i always dreamed of seeing so i controlled my emotions i packed very little clothes as i wanted to shop there so if i take less i will be able to get more from there right .all clothes either was suits or full sleeves dress with pajami (leggings) as they take it very serious in their culture also i did not wanted to draw attention towards me so no jeans or skirts.my plan was simple take the tomorrow flight visit Karachi and Islamabad, visit few markets there and also search for few mini markets as they will be cheap and do this with out getting attention of anyone and after doing all this on day 7 sleep it off in hotel all the tiredness and on day 8 took the return flight and get back to normal life.also if i can i will try to attend a proper Pakistani wedding as i heard they are very eventful so why not right if i can why not .i did not told anyone that i was going Pakistan as no one will let me it if i tell them .only my close friend who lives in noida just to be sure and as a safety .if in any case something happened at least she will tell everyone right .

i lied on my bed trying to get some sleep and saw the time it was only 9 pm as i had a early flight i had to leave in few hours my flight will bored on 8 am but i had to reach at the airport before 6.30 for that i have to leave the house at 5 i guess .pakistan here i come i hope it will be good trip.next day i woke up at 4 and took a cab and reached the airport at exactly 6.28 am i go through the checking and all and i took the plane my ticket was economy class which does offer a lot .from outside i looked normal but inside i was feeling so many things i opened my bottle of water and drink the whole in one sip all the 1 litter water all it was going well after few minutes i started to feel normal so i decided to sleep as i did not sleep the night before .

i felt a hand followed by a voice

 "wake up mam""mam"

i opened my eyes for a few seconds i blinked and then i opened them seeing my surrounding and then it clicked so i quickly gets up from my seat and saw people taking their begs and leaving the plan i asked the person which was a air hostess

"is it Karachi?"

The  air hostess smile and said "yes mam a few minutes ago "

i thanked her for waking me up and then i looked the time as it was 2 pm in afternoon i took my hand beg from the cabinet of plan and thanked the pilot on the way outside of the plan and took the stairs and touched the ground .i took a long breath which felt like engine smell and a lot mixed smells as all people were their and i suddenly realize i have reached Karachi finally.i took my beg from airport inside language department and left the airport .i took a cab outside the airport and told him the address of my hotel.on the way to hotel i asked the taxi wale bhaiya

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