Do i have a choice

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November 17 2019

I was sitting on my couch being the lazy person I am. I got up after watching my 3rd movie and went to get more snacks, but before I could get back to my couch, my phone started ringing. "Oh shit!" I ran as fast as I could to get the phone sense it was at the other side of the house and picked it up. "hello-" I panted into the phone as my friend Hannah picked up with Joe being the idiot of his self in the backround. "Sounds like you finally got off your lazy ass and ran for once" she giggled as I groaned "shut it Hannah- and why did you call?" She paused for a second as she talked to Joe in the background "We were thinking about going camping this week, sense you haven't got off your fucking couch" she said obviously not giving me a choice. "Fine, but you know I don't like camping" I sighed and hug up the phone only hearing the happy yells of my friends as I did. I sat back on the couch and continued my days leading up to the camping trip.

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