wedding preparations

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Sorry for the super late update life has been crazy!! anyways i hope you enjoy its a little short next chapter will have jay and Carlos so that's exciting also tell us in the comments what characters you want to see or see more of and we would gladly do so!!! 

Evie's pov

"Evie!" Dizzy shouts, followed by the door slamming. She always does that when she comes over. Since the wedding is coming up I asked her to help out with the designs so she comes over in her freetime. I've just started trying to come up with different designs for Isabelle's friends. She told me she was inviting them, but from the descriptions I was given they're definitely an odd bunch. I was also given a picture of them so that I would be able to tell what colors went best with them, and they look kind of familiar though I don't know where.

"What are you thinkin' so hard about? You didn't even say hi when I came in."

"Oh, sorry I was just trying to come up with the designs for Isabelle's friends since they're coming to Mal's wedding." It's crazy to think that Mal's getting married. On the isle we didn't have much of a future, but now here we are, only a few years since we left and we're already so different.

"Oooh. I remember you mentioning that they might be coming. Are they the friends she hangs out with at school, or are they different friends?" Wow, I guess I really don't know Isabelle very well at all. Mal is practically a sister to me, so you'd think I'd know her soon to be husband's family.

"I have a picture of them, you can look at it if you want. It's right here." I say, holding the picture up. Not that Isabelle isn't a good kid, but she never really seemed to click with any of the kids from Auradon. She has almost never talked about her friends now that I think about it, besides a snippet here and there. And I think this is the first time I've heard her even say one of their names too, and that was only because she had to introduce us.

"Ya, that's the kids she plays with at school. Two of them are in my class, and they seem so shy. I wonder how they even became friends with Isabelle." That's suspicious, having a friend group that's small isn't that weird, but everything else just screams suspicious. I mean, first off who is the adult in the picture. If he was one of the kids' dad then that'd make sense. But why would he be in a picture with them, and if he's not then why are kids that age friends with somebody that's so much older than them? And on top of that, Dizzy said they seem shy, so how would they be friends with Isabelle? I've never heard her talk about any close friends, and she doesn't ever have friends over to the castle, Ben and Mal always tell me how she's either out in the forest, or alone in the library. Something just seems off about all of this, and now I want to find out.

It's been a few hours since Dizzy arrived here, and we've started putting together a dress for what looks like the youngest of all the kids. We decided to have a white bodice, with an ombre of red for the skirt. I still can't seem to put my finger on it but something was up with that Will kid. He seemed familiar, but I don't know where I've seen him before. Now that I think about it he didn't quite seem to fit in Auradon at all, all the kids here have different personalities, but they all also have this air around them that helps you know that they were raised here, but he doesn't seem to have that. He also doesn't seem like he was living on the isle though, he seemed pretty accustomed to a lot of the stuff an isle kid wouldn't know about too, so where does he really even come from?

Mal Pov.

After the little confrontation with my older brother earlier today I had some free time. Well, if you consider sitting in my bedroom while people interrupt me every five or so minutes to ask me things about the wedding questions. Even though we already have most things done and all its really the same questions just different maids asking them. Well anyways with the so-called free time I rarely have these days I usually just sketch things and do stuff like that. Because there's really nothing else to do around here yes, it's the palace and there everything you could possibly imagine but I'd much rather just sit and draw in my room. During the few minutes I do have to myself I can't help but have my mind wander back to earlier today and my brother. I mean yeah, I figured by now he'd end up here I mean the barrier has been down for like 5 or 6 months now, so it makes sense. He was watching us for him to just fall in the lake like that, but I mean how long has he been watching us then? Weeks? Months? Heck he could be watching me this very second!! I was broken from my thoughts when someone knocked on the door, I tell the most likely maid to come in and to my surprise it's my dad. I smile slightly and go back to back to my drawing.

"Ooooohhhhhh Mali...." rolling my eyes at my dad's nickname and look up "Yes?"

"Where's that boyfriend fiancé whatever of yours?" sighing I send a quick text to Ben warning him about probably the gazillionth threat session thing my dad's probably going to end up leading into. So I tell him where Ben is. "Council meeting." sighing my dad leaves the room and leaves me back to my thoughts.

hope you enjoyed!! remember to leave character suggestions below!!! also hope your all doing well during this stupid time in the world!! remember to vote and leave a comment down below!!! 

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