pt. 5

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When I visited the goblin market, I found many familiar faces, although none seemed to recognize me. I ordered a heavy tankard of ale and took it in big slurps, missing the sweet taste. I paid the man ten gold coins and his eyes seemed to pop out of his sockets. He tried to offer me other of his food, but I wasn't in the mood. I walked into the village after showing my copper pass. The guards seemed confused but let me through.

I walked into the council room and found a few of my captain in there discussing some issues. They looked up and frowned ay my presence.

"Sir, do you have an appointment?"

"Nope." I grinned. "Never needed one."

"Chief?" Adrik broke into a giant smile when he realized who I was.

"Aye." I nodded.

"Welcome back." They all bowed at the waist and walked over, grinning, and laughing. "We thought you left for good."

"Drosi was especially concerned and wanted a search party organized." Hiol winked.

"Really?" I grinned. "I'll surprise her later. But what were you all talking about?"

"A small group of goblins arrived and want to be included in out tribe. They weren't any ordinary goblins, however, and are strong. One matches Tazz in strength and they are skilled warriors. They seemed to want to take over. We were constantly buying time and trying to find solutions to deter them."

"Well, I'm back now." I grinned and revealed all the scroll I brought back. "And I brought some goodies."

They simply smiled and thanked me.

"Hand them out to your men. Hiol, if you would fetch Drosi and ask her to go to my house." I got up.

"Yes, Chief." Hiol gave a short bow and disappeared.

"Hiol had been training diligently and is now able to create a shadow or clone to attend to separate matters at hand." Adrik explained.

"Interesting. I am curious to see how strong you guys have grown." I nodded and left, walking back to my house.

I entered and cleaned up a bit and dumped my materials on the floor. I hung up my sword and gun and changed into a new clean shirt and pants. A few moment passed before Drosi entered and stared silently at me. She walked over and gave me a hug.

"I heard about the news. I'm sorry for leaving you in such a position." I sighed and hugged her back.

"You oaf." She muttered.

"Help me get cleaned up, will you?" I asked.

"I suppose so." She sighed and stepped back. "You've changed. Did you find what you were looking for?"

"I simply realized it was right here all along." I smiled.

She smiled and had me sit. She began to get to work, cleaning up the wild hair and brushing through the knots and making it smooth. She shaved off the hair on my chest and shoulders. She tied my beard into three separate braids and decorated them with bone beads. My wild hair was split into three parts. The left and right were woven into separate large braids that went behind my ears. The middle was tied into a simple tail with a decorative bone collar. I was given a fresh vest and boots. I hooked my belt back on and fetched my sword. I slipped the gun into a low cross draw holster and finally stepped back.

"How do I look?" I asked.

"You look like a stupid goblin." She shrugged and walked to the door. "Hurry up. The people are anxious. They're at the fighting pit."

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⏰ Last updated: May 09, 2020 ⏰

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