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"You'll be with me?" Chaewon held my hand, she dressed, just needed to be persuaded to go. "You promise?"

"I'm always with you." I squeezed her hand, smiling. "I'll be next to you the whole time. You might be able to hear me too." I winked, Chae's face blossoming with a smile. "Let's go, I'll hold your hand." I took myself from the human eye but kept my fingers interlocked with Chae's.

"Are you still there Jimin?" Chae mumbled as she walked through the school doors, her eyes staying low.

"I've never left." I rubbed my thumb against her hand, scanning my eyes across the faces of the students.

"Nice hit last night!" One of her teammates high-fived her as we passed. "Way to go Girlie." Chaewon smiled and shook her fist in the air, victorious. My heart swelled at the sight of her being happy.

I need to tell her that this won't last forever.

She started to walk towards a certain hallway, the shortcut to her locker. "No. Don't go that way."

"Why not?" She slowed her walk but didn't let it to me.

"There are men with bad intentions." I pulled her softly, eyeing the men I got a glimpse of. "They want to touch girls without their consent."

"They want to harass is what you're saying." Chaewon turned and took the long way to her locker. "I won't go that way anymore." I nodded, forgetting that she can't see me, and continued to follow, smiling at how happy this school was. There wasn't much bullying, just a bunch of teens too scared to talk. That's how some schools need to be, everyone minding their own business, leaving the weak alone.

"The school is wonderful," I spoke, leaning against the locker beside Chaewon's. "Everyone is so nice here." Chaewon paused slightly but quickly resumed.

"We're all depressed and too tired to be interesting or mean." Chae shut her locker gently. "Off to Bio."


It was nice, just sitting and watching Chaewon. I gave up on walking and decided to float above her and her classmates. I almost fell asleep, laying on the air, but Chae would be traumatized if I didn't respond if she spoke to me.

"Jimin, I was thinking of getting a snack after school?" Chae walked down the hall, her voice so quiet I almost didn't hear her.

"Yeah, that sounds good." I nodded, a yawn in my voice. Honestly, I've never cuddle with someone at night. I wasn't used to holding someone or sharing the room. I didn't sleep very well. Chaewon likes to move a lot in her sleep and I constantly had to readjust to make her comfortable.

But as long as she is happy, that's all that matters.

"Strawberry?" Chaewon held up one of the strawberries, looking forward, not knowing I'm beside her.

"I love strawberries, thank you." I took the strawberry and ate it quickly before anyone could see a floating strawberry.

"Were you ever a human?" Chaewon asked as she ate a strawberry, walking slowly. "Before you were an angel?"

"Yes." My breath got caught in my mouth, praying she wouldn't ask me how I was as a human. "I lived my life and was taken to heaven. After a few years of paradise, I signed up to be a guardian angel."

"You can sign up to be a guardian angel?" Chaewon frowned softly, sucking on a piece of a strawberry.


"What made you want to be a guardian angel?"

"Well, you see..." I'm not allowed to lie as an angel no matter how much I wanted to. I just can't. "I killed myself when I was 17. I didn't want anyone to go through the same thing I did, because the minute I pulled the trigger, I regretted it. I heard the screams of my mother and little sister when they found me. I had to watch my own funeral. And if I had the chance to prevent someone from going through the same thing as me, I would take it."

Chaewon had slowed our walk to a stop. I instanlt regretted my words. She's still in a fragile state. Jimin, she tried to kill herself yesterday why would you say that-

"When we get home, I'm hugging you, okay?" Chaewon nodded and started walking again, surprising me. "And I won't let go until you say so, alright?"

"Alright." I smiled, relieved by her response. "A long hug."

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