Chapter 2: New roomates

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All students were sitting in the Great Hall waiting for headmistress Mcgonagall to hold her speech. Draco was looking around to look at the students returning for their 8th year they had been given. A quite lot of Gryffindors, some ravenclaws and a little group of Hufflepuffs. There weren't that many slytherins either. Just a few more than the ravenclaws.

Draco looked over at the Gryffindor table and to his surprise, he didn't see Harry anywhere. He suddenly got sick, what if something had happened to him? He noticed that Hermione and Ron looked just as worried as he did. He stared down at the table, trying to set his mind straight.

Suddenly the doors to the Great Hall opened, there stood a dark haired man with green eyes. It was Harry. He was not in his robes but in a gorgeous Red suit. He was so handsome that Draco couldn't take his eyes off him. He was blushing so hard but he could not stop staring. But it was not only him that was staring. In fact, everyone in the hall stared at Harry. Even Hermione and Ron looked surprised, but no one blushed as hard as Draco. Except maybe for some 3rd Year Gryffindor girls.

Harry adjusted his tie and started walking to the high table. As Harry walked he held his head high and has he did he was so dreamy. He gave a wink to Draco.

Wait! A wink!? Draco could not believe it. Had Harry perfect Potter just winked at him? Or was he just imagining it. He must have. Before Draco could do anything about it Harry stopped. He was at the front of the high table. Mcgonagall stood up.

"As you may know, The professors and I have decided to let the students that was meant to go their 7th years last semester be allowed an extra year. We now have Harry here to give some information for the coming year. Go ahead Harry" Mcgonagall had said gesturing for Harry to speak.

"Hello" Harry had said calmly.

Everyone was looking at Harry with anticipation. Some of them gave him dirty looks. Some of them were smiling.

"I'm going to give some important information to the students returning from their eight year. After that, We are going to go ahead with sorting the new Students here at hogwarts."

'Don't stop talking' Draco thought. He didn't want that lovely voice he had fade away. 'Don't stop'

"Since there are not so many students returning we have decided to arrange for shared rooms between the coming back students. We are still going to have Girls and Boys dormitories with several rooms and one common room."

'Shared dormitories? What if he got to share with Harry?!' Draco's heart beat faster and faster. It was not only Draco who had something to say. There were loud cluttering around the hall from all directions.

"Don't worry! You are still going to be able to go to your respective house common rooms"

The students were quieting down a bit but there were still some mumbling going on over at the Gryffindor table.

"The new dorms are on the first floor next to the gryffindor dorms. You will see in the common room who your roommates will be."

Some of the students started talking again but Mcgonagall raised her hand to signal for them to be quiet. She waited until it was completely silent and glared at those who were still talking. That is until they noticed her and immediately shut their mouths.

"At breakfast, lunch and dinner you will sit with your house. The last thing I wanted to bring up is to hope that you all will take this year seriously as this will not be allowed again." Harry finished

"Thank you so much for that Harry. You may take your seat." Mcgonagall

Harry nodded to Mcgonagall before he went to sit next to Hermione and Neville.

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