Chapter 9: Preparations

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Draco woke up feeling absolutely famished. He had been up all night long coming up with ideas on how to surprise Harry on christmas. Since the other students were leaving tomorrow, he wouldn't have to wait any longer. Right now, all Draco wanted to do was eat. So he took his robes, put them on and went downstairs to meet up with Harry.

To Draco's surprise, Harry wasn't there. Draco felt a rumbling in his tummy. There was no one else in the common room so he couldn't ask someone if they had seen Harry. He journeyed back up the stairs to look in Harry's room. He wasn't there either.

"Where are you?" Draco said quietly to himself.

He went out of the common room to look in the corridor but Harry wasn't there either. Draco couldn't wait any longer. He decided to go to breakfast and maybe meet him up there. When Draco arrived at the great hall it was locked. He now realised he missed breakfast. And that meant...

He was late for class.

Draco started running through the corridor to the History of Magic classroom. As he ran he also now noticed there was no one in the corridor either. That's the reason why he hadn't seen Harry anywhere, because he was already in class.

As he entered the classroom with heavy breaths Professor Cuthbert Binns looked up from his book.

"Mr Malfoy" He said in a stern voice. "Late are we?"

"I'm so sorry professor but I was... doing something" Draco breathed out.

"Detention" Binns said before gesturing for Draco to sit.

He walked over to Harry and sat beside him. He took out his text book and opened it to the page that Harry was on. He glanced over at Harry who was staring at him.

"Hey." Harry said with a chuckle.

"Oh, shut up" Draco spat playfully

As the class went on they had read three more pages in the book and had started on an essay. They were going to choose an incident and write about it. Draco wasn't feeling it and neither was Harry. Draco noticed Harry was completely ignoring to study, he was humming on a song Draco had never heard before. It must be muggle music. Draco took his quill and opened a clean page in Harry's notebook. Harry didn't seem to notice so Draco quickly scribbled down something at the end of the book then placed it back before Harry. The class was dismissed.


Draco and Harry walked along the corridors slowly holding each others hands. They had a free period so they decided to just stroll around.

"Hey Draco?"


"Why were you late?" Harry asked with big eyes.

"Um, I just slept over." Draco lied. He forced a smile.

"I'm sorry I didn't go to check on you. I just assumed you had gone to breakfast already." Harry said with a quilty voice.

"No worries." Draco said with a genuine smile on his face this time.

Harry blushed and Draco chuckled. Draco lifted Harry's hand to gently kiss it and Harry blushed even more. Draco smirked. Draco led Harry out on to the courtyard. He led Harry to the tree that he had sat in in fourth year during the Triwizard Tournament.

He pushed Harry against the back of the tree's trunk. He took Harry's books from him and placed them on the ground beside his own. He placed his pale hand on Harry's hot neck. He could feel Harry's pulse getting faster and faster. He placed a gentle kiss on Harry's lips.

"You know, I thought you were really hot, sitting in this tree in our fourth year." Harry confessed.

Draco was surprised. If Harry had felt this way he had certainly not shown it.

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