Chapter 11: An unexpected guest

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The picture y'all😂😂

A/N: Here it is! The new chapter. It's mostly angst but I don't know if it's that good or not. The next chapter will hopefully be out in a couple days, but no promises!

Anyways... So I only got on question, which is totally fine! It's was really funny so I had a good laugh. Plus I wasn't expecting much since I came up with that idea the second I wrote it lol.

The question was "Do you like the taste of air?"
The answer to that is Yes actually, especially when it's rained. You might think it's weird to like the TASTE of rain but I am a weird person myself soo...
okay! Enjoy the chapter!!


"Moooomm!" the five year old boy yelled while running through the halls of the upper floor. His platinum blond hair was above his shoulders, swaying from front to back. He quickly opened the door to his parents bedroom and peeked his head inside. No one. He shrugged with a gigantic smile plastered on his face and moved on to the next room, the 3rd study.

He slammed the door open and strutted inside. There was no one in there but it couldn't hurt to take a look in his favorite book, right? So he went to the big bookcase and searched for it. He scanned over the lower shelves first, since he couldn't see that high. When he couldn't find it, he brought the wooden ladder that stood on the side and brought it to the middle of the bookcase. As to why he put it in the middle and side was just a coincidence. He was a very strange boy afterall. After climbing up the ladder that seemed to go on forever, he saw what he was looking for. His favorite book; Hogwarts: A history. He giggled as he took the book out and opened it quickly. He looked at the big picture of the castle and smiled.

"I can't wait until I get my letter to Hogwarts! I'm gonna be the greatest wizard and get lots of friends and.. OH! maybe.. a girlfriend" he giggled to himself before putting back the book. He jumped down from the ladder and continued running around the halls.

He giggled and ran towards the stairs, hearing his dad and some unknown voices from downstairs. His hands slid down the railing of the staircase, steadying him from falling straight on his face. When at the bottom of the stairs he quickly made a sharp turn into the room where the voices were coming from.

"Hiya dad! Have you seen mo-?" the little boy's smile faded as he saw the people around the room. He didn't recognize them but they looked scary. Very scary. The people around the room smiled evilly at the little boy, making him go pale.

"Your mother is in the kitchen"

Suddenly the boy started to sprint up the stairs and into his room. He hid in his closet with his hands over his ear with the distant yelling of his name becoming louder and louder.

"Draco! Draco!" the voice became louder and louder but it started to change from a harsch, angry voice, to a more soft but distressed voice.

"Draco!" the voice called out again. 'Why does that voice sound familiar'

"Draco! C'mon we gotta go!"

He was snapped out of his vision by a hand pulling him away. He looked frantically toward the person and what he saw shocked him. It was Potter, Harry Potter. The guy he has had a crush on for years. The guy that made him smile in all those bad times.

"Hurry!" he shouted at Draco. Draco could do nothing but run after the hot headed boy as they ran down the stairs of the astronomy tower. They hurried down and hid in a broom closet.

They stood chest to chest, panting in each other's faces. A bright blush spread across Draco's face as he realized he was a kiss away from Harry's face. Harry looked at him with confusion.

"What is it babe?" that threw Draco off.

"uuhh- um..-" Draci did not know what to say at all. He was dumbfounded. Not a single complete word escaped his mouth. Harry looked at him confusingly.

"Do you not remember me?" Harry asked quietly.

"I do" Draco was able to choke out. "but... I don't have a clue as to why you just called me that. You hate me."

Harry examined Draco's eyes for any sign that this was a lie. He was on the verge of crying. Harry hugged Draco tightly.

"I don't hate you. I never have" Harry comforted Draco. Soft sobs escaped Draco's lips as he took in what was happening. The warmth that radiated from the ravenette made Draco feel at ease. It was a forein feeling but at the same time it felt familiar. The feeling was so far away but also so close and it made Draco want to drown in it, soaking up as much as possible before it would disappear.

"Something clearly happened to you." Harry broke the silence. "We will fix it but right now we have to get the hell out of here."

"Wait! What happened?" Draco whisper shouted before Harry opened the broom closet door. Harry opened the door cautiously and took a look outside. He nodded for Draco to follow him, which he did.

Harry started to explain while they hurried down the stairs of the tower. "So you see, we were having a romantic dinner on top of the astronomy tower- it's christmas by the way- and then, out of nowhere, Lucius came riding on a dragon!" Draco had to stop descending the stairs while processing this information. He shook his head and ran after Harry.

"That can't be true."

"But it is! And on a fricking dragon!"

"But my father is supposed to be in Azkaban. Draco anxiously choked out. Harry turned around and looked confusingly at him.

"No he isn't. He got pardoned didn't he??" Harry asked, slightly scared

"Indeed. But after the public found out that he had been abusing mother and me, they took him in again." Draco sniffled, tears threatening to spill down his cheeks. Harry smiled sadly and wrapped Draco in a hug.

"It's okay. I get it. I've been abused too." Harry tried to comfort Draco, his arms clinging onto Harry desperately as if it was a life or death situation. Harry continued to hold Draco and shush him. He whispered sweet nothings in his ear, which seemed to make him relax a bit. His muscles relaxed and his sobbing had come to a stop.

"Am I interrupting something?" an all too familiar voice called out.

To be continued

(Just kidding guys I wouldn't do that)

(Or would I??)

Harry spun around quickly meeting soft brown eyes. Hermione went up to the pair and hugged them quickly. She looked around quickly before pulling out a letter with fine writing and handing it to Harry.

"This was sent to me just a few hours ago. It isn't signed but I believe it came from Mcgonagall. She only wrote that there was trouble and you needed my help. I brought a few people with me. Can you tell me what happened?" she rambled quickly, her eyes waiting for an answer.

"Okay. But not here, we need to get to a secure place where we can hide out"

"The others are in the slytherin commons."

"Then we'll go there!" Draco stated, newly found confidence in him. The three of them hurried to their destination to meet the cavalry.

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