In the beggining...

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Kenny's POV

I sit at Starks Pond with my boyfriend Butters. Suddenly we hear a loud crash of thunder. I look up and see black clouds. It isn't raining. I look at Butters. He looks frightened. I grab his hand and we walk back to my house. It's empty on the inside. We walk around looking for my family. We turn the corner and turn on the tv. There was a news report about the black clouds.

"Black clouds have come rolling in. Nobody is aware of what they are. Many have fled the city. If you are in the town of South Park please stay there. We are not sure what is happening all that we know is that if you are still there it is not safe for you to be around other people who aren't."

I look at butters. Tears are streaming down his face. I'm scared as well. I die all the time and I'm not scared of getting sick or anything. It's the thought of loosing my friends I'm worried about.

"Butters... it's gonna be ok. I promise." I walk over to butters and give him a hug. We start to set off to look for our friends.

Craig's POV

I already saw the news. I'm running through the streets looking for Tweek. I run to the 6th graders spot. No one there. I run to Starks Pond. No one there either. I thought Butters and Kenny were here. That doesn't matter I just need to find Tweek. I finally make it to the coffee shop. I see him with Bebe inside. I run in and try to hug him. He steps back. He has a scared look on his face.

"T-Tweek?" I start. Tweek runs to the employees only section. I'm confused. Bebe looks at me with tears in her eyes. She can't say anything. I get the idea to text Tweek.

Craig: babe what going on why won't you let me hug you?
Tweek:what if you are like infected or THIS IS WAY TOO MUCH PRESSURE
Craig: Its ok hunny I promise
Tweek: no I can't trust anyone accept Bebe

I look at Bebe.

"I'm sorry!" She exclaimed. She is crying more then I am. I remember the fact Bebe and Wendy were a thing. They did everything together.

"What happened."

Bebe's POV

When Craig walked in I knew what was going to happen. Tweek already told me he couldn't trust anyone. I've been with him all day. He can trust me. Craig tells me to tell him what happened and I do.

"W-well me and Wendy were with Tweek and once Wendy saw the little black spot she ran. She tried to convince us to but we declined. It was a stupid thing to do." I told him.

We turn on the tv. It was talking more about the black clouds. I convinced Tweek that it was ok to come out. He said that he still had to stay a safe distance away from other people. Craig respected his wishes and stayed at least 5 feet apart. We all stood and watched the small tv.

"We have more word about the black cloud. Some people were infected and know.... it's like the walking dead. If you get bitten you turn into one of them. Thankfully though you can not get it now unless you get bitten. Please stay away from those you haven't been around."

Tweek looks at me. Then he looks at Craig. He looks so scared.

Tweek's POV

The news showed us pictures of what the contaminated people look like. They have black spots on they're skin. They will also have green/brown hair. I'm scared as hell right now. I don't know what's really going on. All I know is the only person I can be around is Bebe. Craig throws his hat to me. I catch it and hold it to my heart. He walks back outside. I'm crying a little.

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